ofiwg / libfabric

Open Fabric Interfaces

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configure: --disable-{cuda,rocr}-dlopen *enable* the respective dlopen behavior

PHHargrove opened this issue · comments

Using (at least) versions 1.12.1, 1.15.1 or 1.16.1 of libfabric, I find that --disable-rocr-dlopen and --disable-cuda-dlopen actually cause config.h to define ENABLE_ROCR_DLOPEN or ENABLE_CUDA_DLOPEN to 1 instead of 0.

$ [...]/libfabric-1.16.1/configure --with-rocr=/opt/rocm-5.1.0 --disable-rocr-dlopen >/dev/null
$ grep ROCR_DLOPEN config.h

The default (passing neither --enable-*-dlopen nor `--disable-*-dlopen) works fine. So this is not a serious problem.