officebluesource / ChoiceSDK

A SDK that aims to wrap similar functionalities from HMS and GMS services to one common interface.

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at.bluesource.choicesdk.location.factory: Missing underlying GMS/HMS API.

sevriugin opened this issue · comments

Hi, guys I've got a problem with my App published in Huawei Gallery: Pixel 3 XL / Android 9

Unable to start activity ComponentInfo{}: java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException: Missing underlying GMS/HMS API.

at.bluesource.choicesdk.location.factory.FusedLocationProviderFactory$Companion.getFusedLocationProviderClient (FusedLocationProviderFactory.kt:67) (MapsActivity.kt:514)

// MapsActivity.kt: 
override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {
// Line 514
       client = FusedLocationProviderFactory.getFusedLocationProviderClient(this)
// ...

It looks like GMS is not available on this device, as GoogleApiAvailability.isGooglePlayServicesAvailable returns no successful connection result.

Please refer to the Google documentation, unfortunately we do not output the actual connection result to the logs yet.

Do you have this problem only on this specific device, or does it happen on other devices too?