oe1wkl / Morserino-32

Morserino-32 multi-functional Morse code machine, based on ESP32

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Will not connect to wifi

VE3JXX opened this issue · comments


Built a morserino, works great except can't connect to wifi, was told to upgrade to latest software V4.5.2 this was done. config M2 then connect to m2 on computer, enter wifi name and password...M2 resets then I check wifi and evry time it says "No Wifi"
My computer sees "Morserino" and M2 sees my router name, they just won't connect...any suggestions??
Thanks in advance DE John VE3JXX


Yes forgot to say my wifi is 2.4 GHz have tried connecting 10-15 times, even had the LICW group assisting, but no luck.


Router is a "Bell" (Bell Canada) network, I'm planning on going to a ham buddy's place this week to retry on his network....