odow / SDDP.jl

Stochastic Dual Dynamic Programming in Julia

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Historical Simulation

Remmy195 opened this issue · comments


I'm trying to simulate a sequence of random variable,

# Price data in a vector named 'Price' from DataFrame
Price = data[:, :Price]

# Create a vector of stage-price pairs
stage_price_pairs = [(t, Price[t]) for t in eachindex(Price)]


# Define the historical sampling scheme based on the stage-price pairs
out_of_sample = SDDP.Historical(stage_price_pairs)


# Use the SDDP.simulate function with the defined sampling scheme to simulate the policy
simulations = SDDP.simulate(Ptaker, 1, [:e_stored]; sampling_scheme = out_of_sample,)

but I get this error

ERROR: MethodError: no method matching sample_scenario(::SDDP.PolicyGraph{Tuple{Int64, Float64}}, ::SDDP.Historical{Int64, Float64}) Closest candidates are: sample_scenario(::SDDP.PolicyGraph{T}, ::Union{SDDP.InSampleMonteCarlo, SDDP.OutOfSampleMonteCarlo{T}}) where T at ~/.julia/packages/SDDP/ZJfQL/src/plugins/sampling_schemes.jl:266 sample_scenario(::SDDP.PolicyGraph{T}, ::SDDP.Historical{T, NoiseTerm}; kwargs...) where {T, NoiseTerm} at ~/.julia/packages/SDDP/ZJfQL/src/plugins/sampling_schemes.jl:417 sample_scenario(::SDDP.PolicyGraph{T}, ::SDDP.PSRSamplingScheme{A}; kwargs...) where {T, A} at ~/.julia/packages/SDDP/ZJfQL/src/plugins/sampling_schemes.jl:459 ... Stacktrace: [1] _simulate(model::SDDP.PolicyGraph{Tuple{Int64, Float64}}, variables::Vector{Symbol}; sampling_scheme::SDDP.Historical{Int64, Float64}, custom_recorders::Dict{Symbol, Function}, duality_handler::Nothing, skip_undefined_variables::Bool, incoming_state::Dict{Symbol, Float64}) @ SDDP ~/.julia/packages/SDDP/ZJfQL/src/algorithm.jl:1158 [2] (::SDDP.var"#247#248"{Base.Pairs{Symbol, Any, NTuple{5, Symbol}, NamedTuple{(:sampling_scheme, :custom_recorders, :duality_handler, :skip_undefined_variables, :incoming_state), Tuple{SDDP.Historical{Int64, Float64}, Dict{Symbol, Function}, Nothing, Bool, Dict{Symbol, Float64}}}}, SDDP.PolicyGraph{Tuple{Int64, Float64}}, Vector{Symbol}})(i::Int64) @ SDDP ~/.julia/packages/SDDP/ZJfQL/src/plugins/parallel_schemes.jl:63 [3] iterate @ ./generator.jl:47 [inlined] [4] _collect @ ./array.jl:807 [inlined] [5] collect_similar @ ./array.jl:716 [inlined] [6] map @ ./abstractarray.jl:2933 [inlined] [7] #_simulate#246 @ ~/.julia/packages/SDDP/ZJfQL/src/plugins/parallel_schemes.jl:62 [inlined] [8] #simulate#109 @ ~/.julia/packages/SDDP/ZJfQL/src/algorithm.jl:1360 [inlined] [9] top-level scope @ REPL[82]:1

Am I doing something wrong?

How did you define the model? It looks like you might need to use:

stage_price_pairs = [((t, Price[t]), nothing) for t in eachindex(Price)]

The historical simulation needs to be a vector of (node, random_variable) realizations, and if you did not use SDDP.parameterize, pass nothing as the random_variable.

Your nodes like like they are Markovian Tuple{Int64, Float64}, so you need to pass ((stage, price), nothing).

Let me know if parts of the documentation are not clear and I can improve.


I used a Markov chain for the nodes because of nonlinearity in constraint. When I pass nothing as the random variable I get this error

ERROR: KeyError: key (1, 30.12) not found Stacktrace: [1] getindex @ ./dict.jl:498 [inlined] [2] getindex @ ~/.julia/packages/SDDP/ZJfQL/src/user_interface.jl:755 [inlined] [3] _simulate(model::SDDP.PolicyGraph{Tuple{Int64, Float64}}, variables::Vector{Symbol}; sampling_scheme::SDDP.Historical{Tuple{Int64, Float64}, Nothing}, custom_recorders::Dict{Symbol, Function}, duality_handler::Nothing, skip_undefined_variables::Bool, incoming_state::Dict{Symbol, Float64})

#Function to generate price scenerios (Monte Carlo Simulation)
function simulator()
   μ, α = 0, 9.05372307007077
   num_samples = 10000
   samples = μ .+ α * randn(num_samples)
   noise = samples
   ε = collect(Float64, noise)
   VRE = data.VRE
   Load = data.Load
   C1 = data.C1
   C2 = data.C2
   C3 = data.C3
   C4 = data.C4
   S1 = data.S1
   S2 = data.S2
   S3 = data.S3
   S4 = data.S4
   price = zeros(8760)  # Initialize array to store scenarios
   for t in 1:8760
       # Access specific row of data for this iteration
       reg = (-10.5073* S1[t]) + (7.1459 * C1[t]) + (2.9938 * S2[t]) + (3.6828 * C2[t]) + (0.6557* S3[t]) + (1.9710 * C3[t]) + (0.9151 * S4[t]) + (-1.4882 * C4[t]) + (0.0000705481036188987 * Load[t]) + (-0.000673131618513161 * VRE[t]) + 25.6773336136185 + rand(ε)
       price[t] = reg  # Store the generated price in the scenario array
   return price

# @btime simulator()

# Generate price scenarios
num_scenarios = 2
scenarios = [simulator() for _ in 1:num_scenarios]

#Create animation plot
anim = Animation()
p = plot(1:8760, scenarios[1], label="Scenario 1", xlim=(1, 8760), ylim=(minimum(scenarios)..., maximum(scenarios)...))
for i in 2:num_scenarios
   plot!(p, 1:8760, scenarios[i], label="Scenario $i")
   frame(anim, p)
gif(anim, "/projects/reak4480/Documents/Plots/SDDP_animation.gif", fps = 5)

  #Static plot for price
p_plot = Plots.plot(
   [simulator() for _ in 1:num_scenarios];
   legend = false,
   xlabel = "hour",
   ylabel = "Price [\$/MW]",

#Create Markovian Graph
graph = SDDP.MarkovianGraph(simulator; budget = 8760, scenarios = num_scenarios)

Ptaker = SDDP.PolicyGraph(
   sense = :Max,
   upper_bound = 900000000,
   optimizer = HiGHS.Optimizer,
) do sp, node
   t, price = node
   E_min = 0
   p = 1000 #MW
   h = 100 #hours
   E_max = h*p #MWh
   PF = 0
   eff_c = 0.725
   eff_dc = 0.507
   cost_op = 0
   rate_loss = 0
   ini_energy = 100000

   #state variable
       0 <= e_stored <= E_max,
       initial_value = ini_energy,

       sp, begin
       e_discharge >= 0
       e_charge >= 0
       E_min <= e_aval <= E_max
       z_charge, Bin
       z_dischar, Bin
   sp, begin
   e_charge <= (z_charge * p)
   e_discharge <= (z_dischar * p)
   z_charge + z_dischar <= 1
   e_charge == e_pur*eff_c
   e_discharge == (e_sold/eff_dc)
   e_aval == (e_stored.out-e_loss)
   #Transiton Matrix and Constraints
   sp, begin
   e_loss == (e_stored.out*rate_loss)
   rev == price * e_sold
   cost == (cost_pur+(cost_op*e_aval))
   cost_pur == (e_pur * price)
   e_stored.out == e_stored.in + e_charge - e_discharge
   @stageobjective(sp, (rev-cost))

#Train Model
   iteration_limit = 30,

# Price data in a vector named 'Price' from DataFrame
Price = data[!, :Price]

# Create a vector of stage-price pairs
stage_price_pairs = [((t, Price[t]), nothing) for t in eachindex(Price)]


out_of_sample = SDDP.Historical(stage_price_pairs)


# Use the SDDP.simulate function with the defined sampling scheme to simulate the policy
simulations = SDDP.simulate(Ptaker, sampling_scheme = out_of_sample,)

I've read the documentation on Historic simulation, but I'm still not getting how to apply it to a Markov chain.|

Thanks for your help

Your issue is that graph = SDDP.MarkovianGraph(simulator; budget = 8760, scenarios = num_scenarios) constructs a graph at fixed price points.

You cannot then choose a price that does not correspond to a node.

Instead of Price[t], you should choose the closest node in the graph. And then to use a different price at a particular node, you also need to set SDDP.parameterize with one realization of price.

I can't run your code because I don't know what data is, but this should get you started:

using SDDP, HiGHS
function simulator()
   μ, α = 0, 9.05372307007077
   num_samples = 10_000
   # TODO: this creates a new random vector every time you call simulator?
   ε = μ .+ α * randn(num_samples)
   price = zeros(8760)
   for t in 1:8760
       price[t] =
         -10.5073 * data.S1[t] +  7.1459 * data.C1[t] +
           2.9938 * data.S2[t] +  3.6828 * data.C2[t] +
           0.6557 * data.S3[t] +  1.9710 * data.C3[t] + 
           0.9151 * data.S4[t] + -1.4882 * data.C4[t] + 
           0.0000705481036188987 * data.Load[t] +
           -0.000673131618513161 * data.VRE[t] +
           25.6773336136185 + rand(ε)
   return price
graph = SDDP.MarkovianGraph(simulator; budget = 8760, scenarios = 2)
model = SDDP.PolicyGraph(
   sense = :Max,
   # TODO: this upper bound is too large. Consider reformulating the problem to
   # make it smaller.
   upper_bound = 900_000_000,
   # TODO: consider using Gurobi instead. It is much more reliable.
   optimizer = HiGHS.Optimizer,
) do sp, node
    t, price = node
    E_min = 0
    p = 1_000      # MW
    h = 100        # hours
    E_max = h * p  # MWh
    PF = 0
    eff_c = 0.725
    eff_dc = 0.507
    cost_op = 0
    rate_loss = 0
    ini_energy = 100_000
    @variables(sp, begin
        0 <= e_stored <= E_max, SDDP.State, (initial_value = ini_energy)
        0 <= e_discharge <= p
        0 <= e_charge <= p
        E_min <= e_aval <= E_max
        z_charge, Bin
        z_discharge, Bin
    @expressions(sp, begin
        e_pur, e_charge / eff_c
        e_sold, e_discharge / eff_dc
    @constraints(sp, begin
        e_charge <= p * z_charge
        e_discharge <= p * z_discharge
        z_charge + z_discharge <= 1
        e_stored.out == e_stored.in + e_charge - e_discharge
        e_aval == (1 - rate_loss) * e_stored.out
    SDDP.parameterize(sp, [price]) do ω
        @stageobjective(sp, ω * e_sold -* e_pur + cost_op * e_aval))
SDDP.train(model; iteration_limit = 30)
nodes = collect(keys(graph.nodes))
function closest_node(nodes, t, p)
    _, i = findmin(t == t_ ? Inf : (p_ - p_)^2 for (t_, p_) in nodes)
    return nodes[i]
stage_price_pairs = [
    (closest_node(nodes, t, data[t, :Price]), data[t, :Price]) for
    t in size(data, 1),
simulations = SDDP.simulate(
    sampling_scheme = SDDP.Historical(stage_price_pairs),

If you want to simulate using the simulator, you can follow this tutorial: https://sddp.dev/stable/tutorial/example_milk_producer/


Thank you for adjusting my code.


1 - Yes, but I adjusted the function to this

function simulator()
   μ, α = 0, 9.05372307007077
   price = zeros(8760)
   for t in 1:8760
       ε = μ + α * randn()  # Generate a new random number for each iteration
       price[t] =
         -10.5073 * data.S1[t] +  7.1459 * data.C1[t] +
           2.9938 * data.S2[t] +  3.6828 * data.C2[t] +
           0.6557 * data.S3[t] +  1.9710 * data.C3[t] + 
           0.9151 * data.S4[t] + -1.4882 * data.C4[t] + 
           0.0000705481036188987 * data.Load[t] +
           -0.000673131618513161 * data.VRE[t] +
           25.6773336136185 + ε
   return price

2 - The upper bound was random, I intend to estimate the bound using a deterministic JuMP model

3 - Gurobi works for smaller problems, but I run into license issues because it is single-use probably because the Gurobi licence token is called for every subproblem. I tried using

using JuMP, Gurobi
const GRB_ENV = Gurobi.Env()

model_1 = Model(() -> Gurobi.Optimizer(GRB_ENV))

but I run into instance errors.

I've been searching for this "graph.nodes". Thanks.

The function closest node returns the same node for all calls in the stage_price_pair. Is that normal?

I get a bound error when I try to train and simulate using SDDP.SimulatorSamplingScheme(simulator). Same simulator used to construct the markov chain.

Thank you for taking the time to help me with this!!!

but I run into instance errors.

What error? That should work.

The function closest node returns the same node

I made a typo, it should be _, i = findmin(t == t_ ? Inf : (p - p_)^2 for (t_, p_) in nodes) (p, not p_)

I get a bound error when I try to train and simulate using SDDP.SimulatorSamplingScheme(simulator). Same simulator used to construct the markov chain.


SDDP.parameterize(sp, [(price,)]) do (ω,)
        @stageobjective(sp, ω * e_sold -* e_pur + cost_op * e_aval))

Hello Odow, Thanks for your feedback,
I solved the Gurobi issue, the problem was the way I called the solver in the model. #403 helped

I still face issues running historical sampling scheme. When I implemented your correction, I got this error

ERROR: KeyError: key (0, 0.0) not found Stacktrace: [1] getindex @ ./dict.jl:498 [inlined] [2] getindex @ ~/.julia/packages/SDDP/ZJfQL/src/user_interface.jl:755 [inlined] [3] _simulate(model::SDDP.PolicyGraph{Tuple{Int64, Float64}}, variables::Vector{Symbol}; sampling_scheme::SDDP.Historical{Tuple{Int64, Float64}, Float64}, custom_recorders::Dict{Symbol, Function}, duality_handler::Nothing, skip_undefined_variables::Bool, incoming_state::Dict{Symbol, Float64}) @ SDDP ~/.julia/packages/SDDP/ZJfQL/src/algorithm.jl:1171 [4] #247 @ ~/.julia/packages/SDDP/ZJfQL/src/plugins/parallel_schemes.jl:63 [inlined] [5] iterate @ ./generator.jl:47 [inlined] [6] _collect(c::UnitRange{Int64}, itr::Base.Generator{UnitRange{Int64}, SDDP.var"#247#248"{Base.Pairs{Symbol, Any, NTuple{5, Symbol}, NamedTuple{(:sampling_scheme, :custom_recorders, :duality_handler, :skip_undefined_variables, :incoming_state), Tuple{SDDP.Historical{Tuple{Int64, Float64}, Float64}, Dict{Symbol, Function}, Nothing, Bool, Dict{Symbol, Float64}}}}, SDDP.PolicyGraph{Tuple{Int64, Float64}}, Vector{Symbol}}}, #unused#::Base.EltypeUnknown, isz::Base.HasShape{1}) @ Base ./array.jl:807 [7] collect_similar @ ./array.jl:716 [inlined] [8] map @ ./abstractarray.jl:2933 [inlined] [9] #_simulate#246 @ ~/.julia/packages/SDDP/ZJfQL/src/plugins/parallel_schemes.jl:62 [inlined] [10] #simulate#109 @ ~/.julia/packages/SDDP/ZJfQL/src/algorithm.jl:1360 [inlined] [11] top-level scope @ REPL[23]:1

Does this mean I have to define a root node separately?

When I try to perform the simulator sampling scheme simulation, I get a bound error,

ERROR: BoundsError Stacktrace: [1] getindex(x::Float64, i::Int64) @ Base ./number.jl:98 [2] sample_scenario(graph::SDDP.PolicyGraph{Tuple{Int64, Float64}}, s::SDDP.SimulatorSamplingScheme{typeof(simulator)}) @ SDDP ~/.julia/packages/SDDP/ZJfQL/src/plugins/sampling_schemes.jl:562 [3] _simulate(model::SDDP.PolicyGraph{Tuple{Int64, Float64}}, variables::Vector{Symbol}; sampling_scheme::SDDP.SimulatorSamplingScheme{typeof(simulator)}, custom_recorders::Dict{Symbol, Function}, duality_handler::Nothing, skip_undefined_variables::Bool, incoming_state::Dict{Symbol, Float64}) @ SDDP ~/.julia/packages/SDDP/ZJfQL/src/algorithm.jl:1158 [4] #247 @ ~/.julia/packages/SDDP/ZJfQL/src/plugins/parallel_schemes.jl:63 [inlined] [5] iterate @ ./generator.jl:47 [inlined] [6] _collect(c::UnitRange{Int64}, itr::Base.Generator{UnitRange{Int64}, SDDP.var"#247#248"{Base.Pairs{Symbol, Any, NTuple{5, Symbol}, NamedTuple{(:sampling_scheme, :custom_recorders, :duality_handler, :skip_undefined_variables, :incoming_state), Tuple{SDDP.SimulatorSamplingScheme{typeof(simulator)}, Dict{Symbol, Function}, Nothing, Bool, Dict{Symbol, Float64}}}}, SDDP.PolicyGraph{Tuple{Int64, Float64}}, Vector{Symbol}}}, #unused#::Base.EltypeUnknown, isz::Base.HasShape{1}) @ Base ./array.jl:807 [7] collect_similar @ ./array.jl:716 [inlined] [8] map @ ./abstractarray.jl:2933 [inlined] [9] #_simulate#246 @ ~/.julia/packages/SDDP/ZJfQL/src/plugins/parallel_schemes.jl:62 [inlined] [10] #simulate#109 @ ~/.julia/packages/SDDP/ZJfQL/src/algorithm.jl:1360 [inlined] [11] top-level scope @ REPL[24]:1

Is it okay If I email you the code and data file for troubleshooting?

d'oh. Another typo. I obviously wasn't concentrating... See if you can spot the problem here:

_, i = findmin(t == t_ ? Inf : (p_ - p_)^2 for (t_, p_) in nodes)

The syntax x ? y : z is equivalent to if x then y else z.

Is it okay If I email you the code and data file for troubleshooting?

Please try to keep everything public. Sometimes the act of trying to distill a simpler example to post on GitHub can reveal the problem. I think it's also helpful for the (very few) other people reading this to see our debugging process (and my mistakes).


This fixed the key error problem,

_, i = findmin((t == t_ ? (p - p_)^2 : Inf) for (t_, p_) in nodes)

and I get a Vector{Tuple{Tuple{Int64, Float64}, Float64}} for the stage price pairs

The problem is after simulation, I have a 0 stage objective for all stages. I tried modifying the parameterize function with no improvement

    SDDP.parameterize(sp, ([price]),) do ω                       
        @constraints(sp, begin
        rev == ω * e_sold
        cost == (cost_pur+(cost_op*e_aval))
        cost_pur == (e_pur * ω)
        @stageobjective(sp, rev - cost)

You cannot add constraints in SDDP.parameterize.

Can you provide the training log?

What is the output of stage_price_pairs?


Hello Odow,

After reverting back to below, it worked!

    SDDP.parameterize(sp, [(price,)]) do (ω,)
        @stageobjective(sp, ω * e_sold -* e_pur + cost_op * e_aval))

And the output of the stage_price_pairs used in SDDP.Historical(stage_price_pairs) is something like

8760-element Vector{Tuple{Tuple{Int64, Float64}, Float64}}: ((1, 36.124355040358715), 30.12) ((2, 32.69748863864201), 30.12) ((3, 32.85434481748131), 30.12) ((4, 33.16516878661328), 30.12) ((5, 31.419133833913847), 30.12) ((6, 32.7821732392868), 30.12) ((7, 33.528203337048524), 30.12) ((8, 25.63241909076499), 22.87) ((9, 28.47235515384515), 22.87) ((10, 17.395697845023427), 22.87)........

I'm curious, are expressions allowed? when I tried to use

    SDDP.parameterize(sp, [(price,)]) do (ω,)
        @stageobjective(sp, ω * e_sold -* e_pur + cost_op * e_aval))
        @expressions(sp, begin
            cost, ω * e_pur + cost_op * e_aval
            rev, ω * e_sold

I got this error even though I haven't defined it anywhere else.

iteration simulation bound time (s) solves pid

ERROR: An object of name cost is already attached to this model. If this
is intended, consider using the anonymous construction syntax, e.g.,
x = @variable(model, [1:N], ...) where the name of the object does
not appear inside the macro.

Alternatively, use `unregister(model, :cost)` to first unregister
the existing name from the model. Note that this will not delete the
object; it will just remove the reference at model[:cost]

The next problem I need help with is using the stimulator to train and simulate.
When I tried

simulations = SDDP.simulate(
    Ptaker, 1;
    sampling_scheme = SDDP.SimulatorSamplingScheme(simulator),

I get the Bounds Error

ERROR: BoundsError: attempt to access Tuple{Float64} at index [2] Stacktrace: [1] getindex(t::Tuple, i::Int64) @ Base ./tuple.jl:29 [2] sample_scenario(graph::SDDP.PolicyGraph{Tuple{Int64, Float64}}, s::SDDP.SimulatorSamplingScheme{typeof(simulator)}) @ SDDP ~/.julia/packages/SDDP/ZJfQL/src/plugins/sampling_schemes.jl:562 [3] _simulate(model::SDDP.PolicyGraph{Tuple{Int64, Float64}}, variables::Vector{Symbol}; sampling_scheme::SDDP.SimulatorSamplingScheme{typeof(simulator)}, custom_recorders::Dict{Symbol, Function}, duality_handler::Nothing, skip_undefined_variables::Bool, incoming_state::Dict{Symbol, Float64}) @ SDDP ~/.julia/packages/SDDP/ZJfQL/src/algorithm.jl:1158 [4] #247

Thanks for your patience and help

I'm curious, are expressions allowed? when I tried to use
I got this error even though I haven't defined it anywhere else.

The stuff in this function gets called every time we want to parameterize the model by a different realization of the random variable. So it does get called multiple times.

You could use the anonymous expression syntax:

cost = @expression(sp, ω * e_pur + cost_op * e_aval)
rev = @expression(sp, ω * e_sold)
@stageobjective(sp, rev - cost)

The next problem I need help with is using the stimulator to train and simulate.

I think you might need to use:

SDDP.parameterize(sp, [(price, nothing)]) do (ω, _)
        @stageobjective(sp, ω * e_sold -* e_pur + cost_op * e_aval))

This is a bug that I should fix.


Thanks Odow! The fixes worked!

no problem 😄


Hello, I'm curious If I can use custom recorders to evaluate the anonymous expression in the parameterize function

SDDP.parameterize(sp, [price]) do ω
        cost_pur = @expression(sp, ω * e_pur)
        w_cost = @expression(sp, cost_pur + (cost_op * e_aval))
        w_rev = @expression(sp, ω * e_sold)
        @stageobjective(sp, w_rev - w_cost)