odiseoteam / SyliusReportPlugin

Report Plugin for Sylius. This plugin add a report interface to the Sylius administration. Some reports comes with this bundle but you can create your custom reports.

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[DOC REQUEST] How to create custom filter ?

vasilvestre opened this issue · comments

Hey, the new release is great ! Thanks a lot for the good work.

The data fetcher are so easy to create but filter lack documentation tbh, could you please help a bit about that ? Thanks !

Thanks @vasilvestre . Sorry for the huge delay on this response.
To add a new filter for example to Sales Total data fetcher, you need to extend the SalesTotalType to add the new form field. Also you will need to extend the Data Fetcher itself in order to get the new configuration field and change the query.

Let me know if it was clear to you. Also we can chat by Sylius Slack if you want. My username is: songecko.
