odilonscoelho / taskbar

taskbar - labels de janelas para polybar

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have to reload polybar after login

IIIProphetIII opened this issue · comments

Everytime I login to bspwm,the module says/bin/sh:line 1:taskbar: command not found.After reload polybar,it runs fine.I added sleep 5 before starting polybar,but it didn't fix this.

/home/toor/Software/taskbar/taskbar start &
# polybar
/home/toor/.config/polybar/launch.sh --docky &


/home/toor/.local/bin /usr/local/sbin /usr/local/bin /usr/bin /usr/lib/jvm/default/bin /usr/bin/site_perl /usr/bin/vendor_perl /usr/bin/core_perl /home/toor/Software/taskbar

Everytime I login to bspwm,the module says/bin/sh:line 1:taskbar: command not found.After reload polybar,it runs fine.I added sleep 5 before starting polybar,but it didn't fix this.

/home/toor/Software/taskbar/taskbar start &
# polybar
/home/toor/.config/polybar/launch.sh --docky &


/home/toor/.local/bin /usr/local/sbin /usr/local/bin /usr/bin /usr/lib/jvm/default/bin /usr/bin/site_perl /usr/bin/vendor_perl /usr/bin/core_perl /home/toor/Software/taskbar

Hi, today I updated how it imports the settings, you can test if this solved this problem, if not, please provide more details on how is the polybar configuration file where the modules are, but I believe that after today's correction will no longer have this problem.

i figure out where i go wrong.
the configure function in taskbar: echo "# path para taskbar\nPATH=\$PATH:$PWD" >> $HOME/.zshrc doesn't work.
when executing bspwmrc,the $PATH is
so /home/toor/Software/taskbar is not avaliable,meaning that taskbar won't start.

And what does declare -x path_proj=/path in EN version README,md mean?Do i add it to taskbar file? but it doesn't seem to be refered anyway.
Original README.md is very different from EN version, which is rather confusing.

Anyway,after adding all the 4 files to .local/bin/, it works perfectly.