oddcamp / asdf-docker

Docker images with pre-built Ruby and asdf plugins for NodeJS, Yarn and Ruby

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Odd Camp asdf Docker Image

This docker image(s) are used in our development environments. We use asdf to be able to switch node/yarn versions with ease.


Here is the standardized Dockerfile (it changes between language and projects though) we use here at Odd Camp:

FROM docker.pkg.github.com/oddcamp/asdf-docker/ruby:2.7.1

# Setup environment variables that will be available to the instance
ARG DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive
ENV GEM_HOME /asdf/.gems
ENV GEM_PATH /asdf/.gems

USER root
RUN apt-get update
RUN apt-get install -y tzdata
RUN apt-get install -y libv8-dev pkg-config libpq-dev
RUN mkdir -p $APP_HOME
RUN chown -R asdf:asdf $APP_HOME

# CD the folder
USER asdf

# Add any missing tools
ADD .tool-versions $APP_HOME
RUN asdf install
RUN asdf current

# Fix gem path
RUN mkdir -p "$GEM_PATH" && chown asdf:asdf "$GEM_PATH"
RUN gem install bundler

# Needs to be run inside of the folder that has .tool-versions
RUN npm config set @kollegorna:registry https://npm.pkg.github.com/
RUN echo "//npm.pkg.github.com/:_authToken=${GITHUB_ACCESS_TOKEN}" >> ~/.npmrc

# Needed due to docker volumes only give you root:root chown by default.
RUN mkdir -p "$APP_HOME/tmp/cache" && chown asdf:asdf "$APP_HOME/tmp/cache"
RUN mkdir -p "$APP_HOME/node_modules" && chown asdf:asdf "$APP_HOME/node_modules"


Use our standardized Dockerfile and it should grab the version from .tool-versions on build.

If you change the version at anytime you will have to rebuild the image as that is built on build.


Versions is handled by asdf so any version you use in your .tool-versions will be used and downloaded on build.

Use the FROM image such as FROM docker.pkg.github.com/oddcamp/asdf-docker/nodejs:latest.


Ruby doesn't provide a good way of just downloading an executable like how NodeJS does it. So we have several images with different ruby versions that have Ruby pre-compiled.

A new project should always use the latest Rails-supported version.


Currently supported versions:

  • 2.4.9 (end of life march 2020)
  • 2.6.4
  • 2.6.5
  • 2.6.6
  • 2.7.1
  • 2.7.2
  • 2.7.3
  • 3.0.3
  • 3.1.0

Use the FROM image such as FROM docker.pkg.github.com/oddcamp/asdf-docker/ruby:2.7.1.

Bundler and Github Private Packages

If you are using a private package on Github in your bundler-based projects you can use these environment variables in your docker-compose.yml file:

      BUNDLE_GITHUB__COM: "${GITHUB_ACCESS_TOKEN}:x-oauth-basic"

That way you wouldn't need to rebuild the whole image if you missed setting up the GITHUB_ACCESS_TOKEN environment variable.


Docker images with pre-built Ruby and asdf plugins for NodeJS, Yarn and Ruby