octiapp / KerasPersonLab

Keras-tensorflow implementation of PersonLab (https://arxiv.org/abs/1803.08225)

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

notebook doesn't run, model is missing

rorlich opened this issue · comments

model = get_personlab(train=False, with_preprocess_lambda=True, intermediate_supervision=True, intermediate_layer='res4b12_relu', build_base_func=get_resnet101_base, output_stride=16)

Downloading data from None

TypeError Traceback (most recent call last)
in ()
4 intermediate_layer='res4b12_relu',
5 build_base_func=get_resnet101_base,
----> 6 output_stride=16)
7 print('Loading time: {}'.format(time()-tic))

~/alibaba/repos/KerasPersonLab/model.py in get_personlab(train, input_tensors, with_preprocess_lambda, build_base_func, intermediate_supervision, intermediate_layer, output_stride)
207 if with_preprocess_lambda not in [False, 0, None]:
--> 208 base_model = build_base_func(input_tensor=normalized_img, output_stride=output_stride, return_model=True)
209 else:
210 base_model = build_base_func(input_tensor=input_img, output_stride=output_stride, return_model=True)

~/alibaba/repos/KerasPersonLab/resnet101.py in get_resnet101_base(input_tensor, output_stride, return_model)
151 model = KM.Model(input_tensor_source, x)
--> 152 weights_path = get_file('resnet101_weights_notop.h5', None, cache_subdir='models')
153 model.load_weights(weights_path)

~/virtualenvironment/tensorflow/lib/python3.6/site-packages/keras/utils/data_utils.py in get_file(fname, origin, untar, md5_hash, file_hash, cache_subdir, hash_algorithm, extract, archive_format, cache_dir)
220 try:
221 try:
--> 222 urlretrieve(origin, fpath, dl_progress)
223 except URLError as e:
224 raise Exception(error_msg.format(origin, e.errno, e.reason))

/usr/local/Cellar/python/3.6.5/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/urllib/request.py in urlretrieve(url, filename, reporthook, data)
244 data file as well as the resulting HTTPMessage object.
245 """
--> 246 url_type, path = splittype(url)
248 with contextlib.closing(urlopen(url, data)) as fp:

/usr/local/Cellar/python/3.6.5/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/urllib/parse.py in splittype(url)
936 _typeprog = re.compile('([^/:]+):(.*)', re.DOTALL)
--> 938 match = _typeprog.match(url)
939 if match:
940 scheme, data = match.groups()

TypeError: expected string or bytes-like object

Hi @rorlich . Thanks for your interest. Unfortunately, I have not made any pre-trained models available yet. The demo notebook is just an illustration of how to process the outputs network if you trained one.

I hope to make a trained model publicly available soon.

Looking forward for the pre-trained models.

If you've got a pretrained model I'd love to see it as well!

Has a pre-trained model been made available?

also interested in a trained model

also interested in a trained model