octalmage / fcd

Terra ETL + RestFul API Server

Home Page:https://fcd.terra.dev/swagger

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Terra FCD



  • Collector(Indexer)

    • Takes block and tx from LCD and stores into the database in a usable form
    • Stores issuance, network and staking information to database every minute
    • Collect & cache validator info and store in db
    • Calculate validator daily return
    • Collect & cache proposal info
  • Rest API server

    • Serves data via RESTFul API


  1. Node.js >= 12
  2. PostgreSQL == 10.x || 11.x

Terra Core

  1. Setup a LCD
  2. Configure firewall (Reference)

Project setup

1. Clone

$ git clone https://github.com/terra-project/fcd.git

2. Install packages

npm i

3. Setup the database

FCD requires PostgreSQL as a backend database and TypeORM as an ORM.

Create a new database for FCD

postgres=> CREATE DATABASED fcd OWNER terra;

Synchronize Database Scheme

Table schema has to be synced before running Collector by setting synchronize to true. There is many way to configure TypeORM. Example is below:


module.exports = {
  name: 'default',
  type: 'postgres',
  host: 'localhost',
  database: 'fcd',
  username: 'terra',
  password: '<password>',
  synchronize: true

You shall not use CLI method, and it is good to disable synchronize option after the first sync.

4. Configure Environment Variables

Name Description Default Module(s)
SERVER_PORT Listening port for API server 3060 API
SENTRY_DSN Sentry DSN for error management All
CHAIN_ID Chain ID of Terra network tequila-0004 API, Collector
LCD_URI LCD URI for Terra network https://tequila-lcd.terra.dev API, Collector, Validator Scrapper
FCD_URI FCD URI for Terra network https://tequila-fcd.terra.dev Collector
RPC_URI RPC URI for Terra network API, Collector
BYPASS_URI Terra LCD address https://tequila-lcd.terra.dev API
MIRROR_GRAPH_URI Mirror GraphQL endpoint https://tequila-graph.mirror.finance/graphql API
PYLON_API_ENDPOINT Pylon API endpoint https://api.dev.pylon.rocks/api API
STATION_STATUS_JSON URL for Station version control https://terra.money/station/version-web.json API
USE_LOG_FILE Creates logs/* when enabled false All
ACTIVE_DENOMS Active Denominations ["uluna","usdr","ukrw","uusd","umnt"] API
ACTIVE_CURRENCY Active Currencies ["luna","sdt","krt","ust","mnt"] API
EXCLUDED_ROUTES List of regular expression string for excluding routes [] API
MIN_GAS_PRICES Minimum gas price by denom object {"uluna": "0.015", "usdr": "0.015", "uusd": "0.015", "ukrw": "0.015", "umnt": "0.015"} API

In Terra, we use direnv for managing environment variable for development. See sample of .envrc

Running modules


  • Collector
    npm run coldev
  • API
    npm run dev
  • Test
    npm run test
    • Tests are designed to use testnet


  • Collector
    npm run collector
  • API
    npm start

APIDoc & Swagger

  • Generate by npm run apidoc
  • Access UI from: http://localhost:3060/apidoc

Swagger 2.0 (https://swagger.io)

  • Generate by npm run swagger
  • Access UI from: http://localhost:3060/swagger
  • Access the definition from: http://localhost:3060/static/swagger.json

Generate swagger for AWS api gateway

npm run swagger -- --apigateway
  • Generated file can be directly imported to aws api gateway
  • NB : its uses empty schema for response object as api gateway support object and properties name only having alphanum.

Generate combined swagger for lcd and fcd

npm run mergeswagger -- -o filename
  • Combined swagger file will be saved in static directory in project root
  • If no filename provided as command line argument then default saved file name is combined-swagger.json
  • To generate combined swagger for AWS API Gateway add --apigateway parameter

Find LocalTerra to run whole ecosystem locally



Terra ETL + RestFul API Server


License:MIT License


Language:HTML 58.8%Language:TypeScript 40.9%Language:JavaScript 0.2%Language:Dockerfile 0.0%Language:Shell 0.0%