ochafik / boilerplate.dart

No-brainer Dart helpers for boilerplate methods implementation (hashCode, operator==, toString)

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No-brainer Dart helpers for boilerplate methods implementation (get it with pub).

import 'package:boilerplate/boilerplate.dart';
class Foo extends Boilerplate {
  final int i;                 // .toString, .hashCode, .operator==
  final List<int> js;          // and copy({ i, js })
  Foo(this.i, this.js);        // with no extra effort.
var foo = new Foo(1, [2, 3]);
assert(foo == new Foo(1, [2, 3]));
print(foo);                    // "Foo { i: 1, js: [2, 3] }"
print(foo.copy(i: 1, js: [])); // "Foo { i: 1, js: [] }"

These methods bring Dart classes closer to Scala case classes (although immutability is not enforced).

What is Boilerplate?

Boilerplate saves you those cumbersome and error-prone hashCode, operator== and toString methods in Dart.

It implements them by passing the public fields values through to collection/equality.dart, which performs the equality / hashing / toString for us.

There's two variants:

  • Boilerplate uses mirrors to get the list of fields and their values.

    This means you need to preserve metadata of your class with @MirrorsUsed annotations (see example below).

    Boilerplate also adds a copy method as in Scala case classes, which creates a copy with the default constructor using the same field values as the original, except for the provided named argument overrides.

  • ExplicitBoilerplate requires you to specify the fields and class name explicitly. It doesn't use mirrors but some boilerplate is needed (although smaller than the methods it helps implement).


These two classes are not designed for every possible use case, as they have the following limitations:

  • Equality only holds between instances of the exact same runtime type.
  • Boilerplate Only uses public fields by default (but you can still override get fields),
  • No special handling of reference cycles: user must avoid them responsibly,
  • Not optimized for speed (but some care is taken to cache costly mirror results). If you need fast boilerplate methods, please consider implementing them with quiver-dart.
  • Subsequent calls of hashCode on an object with mutable fields may yield different values (well, just as in Java),

Example with mirrors

@MirrorsUsed(targets: const[Foo, Bar], override: "*")
import 'dart:mirrors';
import 'package:boilerplate/boilerplate.dart';

class Bar extends Boilerplate {
  final int i;

class Foo extends Bar {
  final int j;
  final String s;
  Foo(int i, this.j, this.s): super(i);

var bar = new Bar(1);
var foo = new Foo(1, 2, "3");
print(bar);  // "Bar { i: 1 }"
print(foo);  // "Foo { i: 1, j: 2, s: 3 }"

assert(bar == new Bar(1));
assert(bar != new Bar(2));

assert(bar == bar.copy());
assert(new Bar(2) == bar.copy(i: 2));

Example without mirrors

import 'package:boilerplate/explicit_boilerplate.dart';

class Bar extends ExplicitBoilerplate {
  final int i;


  @override get fields => { "i": i };
  @override get className => "Bar";

class Foo extends Bar {
  final int j;
  final String s;

  Foo(int i, this.j, this.s): super(i);

  @override get fields => { "i": i, "j": j, "s": s };
  @override get className => "Foo";

Boilerplate can be mixed in

Note that Boilerplate and ExplicitBoileplate can be safely mixed in at any level of the class hierarchy (they're only needed at the top, though):

class A extends Boilerplate {}
class B extends A with Boilerplate {}
class C extends A {} // Still okay.



  • Version 0.1.1:
  • Version 0.1.0:
    • Initial Boilerplate and ExplicitBoilerplate with hashCode, operator==, toString.


No-brainer Dart helpers for boilerplate methods implementation (hashCode, operator==, toString)

License:BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License


Language:Dart 100.0%