ocenandor / GAFL

Final project for "Digital Signal Processing" master's course. Performance exploration of models with additoinal GAFL layers

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Python PyTorch

GAFL: Global Adaptive Filtering Layer for Computer Vision

This repository is dedicated to the implementation of the idea of the Global Adaptive Filtering Layer

block diagram

Continuation as Final project in "Digital Signal Processing" course

Our contribution is that we try to explore the influence of inserting not one but several GAF layers into different parts of model. We experiment woth U-Net for segmentation and ResNet for classification and check metrics on BPUI and BUSI (open datasets with medical images)


  1. Nikita Kurduikov, @Pqlet
  2. Pavel TIkhomirov, @ocenandor

Installation Requirements

The file environment.yml contains the necessary libraries to run all scripts

It is necessary:

  1. create conda environment and install all packages through the command: conda env create -f environment.yml
  2. activate environment to run scripts from it: conda activate ultrasound

Usage Example

To use a layer with your model, just do the following:

from models.adaptive_layer import AdaptiveLayer, GeneralAdaptiveLayer

class Model(torch.nn.Module):
    def __init__(self, ..., n_channels=1, image_size=(512, 512), adaptive_layer_type=None):
        super(UNet, self).__init__()

        self.name = 'Model'
        if adaptive_layer_type is not None:
            self.name = '_'.join([self.name, 'adaptive', adaptive_layer_type])

        self.adaptive_layer_type = adaptive_layer_type
        if self.adaptive_layer_type in ('spectrum', 'spectrum_log', 'phase'):
            self.adaptive_layer = AdaptiveLayer((n_channels, ) + image_size,
        elif self.adaptive_layer_type == 'general_spectrum':
            self.adaptive_layer = GeneralAdaptiveLayer((n_channels, ) + image_size,
        # your Model class init

    def forward(self, x):
        if self.adaptive_layer_type is not None:
            x = self.adaptive_layer(x)

        # your Model class forward method

Datasets. How to Download and Structure

!Attention! The name of the folder with the dataset must be one of the following: Endocrinology, BUSI, BPUI

  • Endocrinology Dataset

    This dataset provided by the Center for Endocrinology and is not in the public domain (there is no way to download it).

  • Breast Ultrasound Images Dataset (Dataset BUSI) (253 MB)

    Al-Dhabyani W, Gomaa M, Khaled H, Fahmy A. Dataset of breast ultrasound images.
    Data in Brief. 2020 Feb;28:104863. DOI: 10.1016/j.dib.2019.104863.

    The archive should be unpacked and turned into the following structure:

            ├───benign (1).png
            ├───benign (1)_mask.png
            └─── ...
            ├───malignant (1).png
            ├───malignant (1)_mask.png
            └─── ...
            ├───normal (1).png
            ├───normal (1)_mask.png
            └─── ...
  • Brachial Plexus Ultrasound Images (BPUI) train (1.08 GB)

    The archive should be unpacked and turned into the following structure:

        └─── ...

How to Train Models

To train a model, you should

  1. initially choose a CV task:

    • Segmentation
    • Classification
    • Denoising/Erasing
  2. correct configs.yaml file

    !Attention! Do not forget to specify path to folder with train data.

    !Attention! For classification task use number of classes = 3 for BUSI dataset and number of classes = 6 for Endocrinology dataset.

  3. for denoising/erasing task comment/uncomment lines in file train_denoising.py with appropriate noise overlaying transform

  4. run appropriate script .py:

python ./train_<CV task>.py

or with parameters

  • --device       # cuda device id number (default 0)
  • --random_seed   # random seed (default 1)
  • --nolog       # turn off logging

Train Process Performance

As a result, you will receive

  • the saved best model .pth next to files with code
  • a log file .tfevents of the training process in folder where the results of experiments from the tensorboard will be recorded (see configs.yaml file)

Inference Examples

Segmentation Results on Endocrinology Dataset

From left to right: ultrasound slice, ground truth mask, segmentation result performed by base model and with spectrum, spectrum log and phase adjustments.

Patient 11 Patient 15

From left to right: ultrasound slice, ground truth mask, segmentation result performed by base model and with general spectrum adjustment.

Patient 4 Patient 6 Patient 7

Erasing Results on BUSI Dataset

From left to right: ultrasound slice, corrupted image, restored image by base model and with spectrum, spectrum log and phase adjustments.

erasing BUSI benign 2 erasing BUSI malignant 2


If you use this package in your publications or other work, please cite it as follows:

         author={Shipitsin, Viktor and Bespalov, Iaroslav and Dylov, Dmitry V},
         title={Global Adaptive Filtering Layer for Computer Vision},
         journal={arXiv preprint arXiv:2010.01177v4},


Viktor Shipitsin - shipitsin@phystech.edu


Final project for "Digital Signal Processing" master's course. Performance exploration of models with additoinal GAFL layers

License:MIT License


Language:Jupyter Notebook 99.2%Language:Python 0.8%Language:Shell 0.0%