ocean-ds / ocean-web

Blu's Design System for Web

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Enhancements on the Storybook Page

julianasouza-s opened this issue · comments

I want to make the following enhancements on our Storybook page: https://www.figma.com/proto/HGymQjcMDy8BBn984dfjPt/Zeroheight?page-id=714%3A4141&node-id=714%3A4142&viewport=257%2C48%2C0.34&scaling=scale-down (this is some tweaks i have made using the Inspect feature on Chome, lol)

Also, it would be great to have a Cover on it as well, like this https://storybook.jota.meiuca.co/?path=/story/welcome--welcome. I'll provide the image, just need to figure out the size of it.