ocavue / jest-puppeteer-istanbul

Collect code coverage information from end-to-end jest puppeteer tests

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Is there way to ignore some file?

lastnigtic opened this issue · comments

I'm using "coveragePathIgnorePatterns" and "collectCoverageFrom", but it seems not working?

Looking from help ^_^

I found it can not get "coveragePathIgnorePatterns" config from globalconfig

I will check this later this weekend.

@lastnigtic Please try version 0.4.2, which should repeat coveragePathIgnorePatterns as well as collectCoverageFrom in your Jest configuration.

Feel free to comment if this version doesn't solve your issue.

I found nothing in floder 'lib' after update.
Did you published an empty package?
I solve this problem by fork and write my reporter.

Did you published an empty package?

My mistake. I should publish a release with CI/CD instead of my PC. Version 0.4.3 fix it.

Closing since it's fixed.

Feel free to reopen if it still doesn't work.