ocamllabs / vscode-ocaml-platform

Visual Studio Code extension for OCaml

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Feature request: Option settings to disable features other than syntax.

LumaKernel opened this issue · comments


Hello, thank you for great extension. I'm glad to see this in open-vsx.org, it helps me so much.
I want to suggest implementing a new options to control language servers. This feature will help when we only want to use syntax highlighting.

Reminds me of #435

easy solution mentioned in that thread: remove ocamllsp

you can also rename ocamllsp in your sandbox to something else, and rename back when you want it used


easy solution mentioned in that thread: remove ocamllsp

I tried this and published to open-vsx.org. It's working for me. https://open-vsx.org/extension/luma/ocaml-platform-syntax


It's fairly easy, but it's not something that we can spend time on. It's too specialized of a request that is scarcely useful to everyone else who finds the diagnostics useful.

I agree this in that issue. Someone like me should work on this, but I want this to be stayed open.
I'm using this ext without ocaml environment and using only for Jupyter Notebook's highlight so it every time shows me like there is no ocaml something...