obspy / obspy

ObsPy: A Python Toolbox for seismology/seismological observatories.

Home Page:https://www.obspy.org

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Incomplete docstring

speleos opened this issue · comments

def array_transff_freqslowness(coords, slim, sstep, fmin, fmax, fstep,
Returns array transfer function as a function of slowness difference and
:type coords: numpy.ndarray
:param coords: coordinates of stations in longitude and latitude in degrees
elevation in km, or x, y, z in km
:type coordsys: str
:param coordsys: valid values: 'lonlat' and 'xy', choose which coordinates
to use
:param slim: either a float to use symmetric limits for slowness
differences or the tupel (sxmin, sxmax, symin, symax)
:type fmin: float
:param fmin: minimum frequency in signal
:type fmax: float
:param fmax: maximum frequency in signal
:type fstep: float
:param fstep: frequency sample distance

No description for sstep is provided

It is also acceptable to provide a Stream instead of a numpy.array with the coordinates.