obsessionsys / team-operator

Kubernetes Operator allows you to create Namespace objects with a description of the environment for this Team

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

K8s Team operator

Kubernetes Operator allows you to create Team objects with a description of the environment for this Team (for example, developer, QA, Stage environments) and allocates a certain amount of resources for the Team in this Namespace.

The operator covers the following aspects:

  • Resource Quota in Namespace
  • Limit Range in Namespace
  • RBAC in Namespace

How the operator works:

  • Creates a Namespace called **TEAM-NAME**
  • Creates LimitRange inside Namespace
  • Creates ResourceQouta inside Namespace
  • Creates a serviceaccount for CI/CD
  • Creates rolebinding for CI/CD and users

The Operator was tested on K8s version 1.21.2

Quick start

  • Deploing operator with to create the crd value
helm install -n kube-system team-operator helm
  • Describing resources in custom resource definitions for Teams in the yaml manifest and applying it.

See the examples: examples and testing

Example file for team: examples/ops_v1_several_team_cr.yaml

kubectl apply -f examples/ops_v1_several_team_cr.yaml

After applying the yaml manifest with the described resources for Teams the operator creates 3 Namespaces:

  • developers
  • qa
  • stage
$ kubectl get namespace

NAME              STATUS   AGE
default           Active   235d
general           Active   235d
kube-node-lease   Active   235d
kube-public       Active   235d
kube-system       Active   235d
logging           Active   211d
monitoring        Active   212d
developers   Active   2d15m
qa           Active   2d15m
stage        Active   2d15m
$ kubectl describe namespace developers

Name:         developers
Labels:       inCharge=POK8s
Annotations:  operator-sdk/primary-resource: /team
              operator-sdk/primary-resource-type: Team.ops.teams.io
Status:       Active

Resource Quotas
 Name:                   resource-quota
 Resource                Used  Hard
 --------                ---   ---
 limits.cpu              0     2
 limits.memory           0     5Gi
 pods                    0     30
 requests.cpu            0     2
 requests.memory         0     5Gi
 services                0     20
 services.loadbalancers  0     0
 services.nodeports      0     0

Resource Limits
 Type       Resource  Min   Max  Default Request  Default Limit  Max Limit/Request Ratio
 ----       --------  ---   ---  ---------------  -------------  -----------------------
 Container  cpu       50m   1    100m             100m           2
 Container  memory    64Mi  1Gi  100Mi            100Mi          2

If you need to increase quotas for Teams, you should change parameters in the examples/ops_v1_team_cr.yaml file and update the custom resource definitions.


This note is in order to quickly get a user token for CI/CD

  • Get the name of secretname ServiceAccount


export TOKENNAME=$(kubectl -n NAMESPACE get serviceaccount/deploy -o jsonpath='{.secrets[0].name}')


export TOKENNAME=$(kubectl -n developers get serviceaccount/deploy -o jsonpath='{.secrets[0].name}')
  • Get the token of the serviceaccount name


export TOKEN=$(kubectl -n NAMESPACE get secret $TOKENNAME -o jsonpath='{.data.token}' | base64 --decode)


export TOKEN=$(kubectl -n developers get secret $TOKENNAME -o jsonpath='{.data.token}' | base64 --decode)
  • Print the token in the terminal
echo $TOKEN


  • Vitaly Fedorov (obsessionsys) : Owner


Team-Operator is distributed under MIT. See the LICENSE file


Kubernetes Operator allows you to create Namespace objects with a description of the environment for this Team

License:MIT License


Language:Mustache 83.8%Language:Dockerfile 16.2%