observablehq / inspector

The Observable standard inspector.

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(!) Circular dependencies

j2l opened this issue · comments


Trying https://observablehq.com/d/b031b9acc6db3c72 with up to date svelte template, when I run npm run dev I get:

bundles src/main.js → public/build/bundle.js...
(!) Circular dependencies
node_modules/@observablehq/inspector/src/collapsed.js -> node_modules/@observablehq/inspector/src/expanded.js -> node_modules/@observablehq/inspector/src/collapsed.js
node_modules/@observablehq/inspector/src/inspect.js -> node_modules/@observablehq/inspector/src/collapsed.js -> node_modules/@observablehq/inspector/src/expanded.js -> node_modules/@observablehq/inspector/src/inspect.js
node_modules/@observablehq/inspector/src/inspect.js -> node_modules/@observablehq/inspector/src/collapsed.js -> node_modules/@observablehq/inspector/src/inspect.js
...and 3 more

in App.svelte I pasted from the example:

	import { onMount } from 'svelte'
	import {Runtime, Inspector} from '@observablehq/runtime'
	import notebook from "https://api.observablehq.com/d/b031b9acc6db3c72.tgz?v=3";
	let animationRef

	onMount(() => {
		const runtime = new Runtime()
		runtime.module(notebook, name => {
			if (name === "animation") {
        return new Inspector(animationRef)

I also tried with another local script and no inspector

	import { onMount } from 'svelte'
	import {Runtime} from '@observablehq/runtime'
	import define from "./d86e75dcb11eba71@319.js";

	onMount(() => {
		const runtime = new Runtime()
		runtime.module(define, name => {

without luck.

No idea why the Inspector throws this error or how to make this example work.
Any idea?

The circular dependencies are just noise that Rollup generates and do not affect the behavior of the code.

It looks like you are trying to import from a .tgz URL. Did you meant to say .js here?

import notebook from "https://api.observablehq.com/d/b031b9acc6db3c72.tgz?v=3"; 

Also for this to work, you’ll need to publish your notebook (unlisted, if you like). Alternatively you can use the Download code action in the notebook menu to get a local copy.

If you need further assistance please ask for help at https://talk.observablehq.com. Thanks!

Thanks @mbostock
FTR, I also noted that import { Runtime, Inspector } from "./runtime"; with the runtime.js from the tgz doesn't throw errors.
Maybe ObesrvableHQ should evaluate Svelte to export. There are so close and on different markets. 😺