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Notebook Comments Disappear

gallowayevan opened this issue · comments

Describe the bug
I have tried a couple of times to comment on a cell within this notebook: https://observablehq.com/d/6b2c7542cb8d1308. I can add the comment and then click "Comment" and the comment appears to be published. However, if I reload the page, the comment disappears.

Expected behavior
The comment appears even after page reload.

Desktop (please complete the following information):

  • OS: Windows 10
  • Browser Firefox
  • Version 125.0.3]

Thanks for the report! Could you try commenting on the @latest version of the notebook and let me know if that works?

You can access the latest version by clicking "Paused" in the notebook header:

Thanks! Now I was able to post the comment and it stuck. To summarize, in order to comment, I need to make sure that I am commenting on the latest version of the notebook. Is that right?

That sounds correct! Observable does not support commenting on specific versions of a notebook, and a paused notebook is essentially displaying an older version. At a minimum we would need to ensure that the "Add comment" option is disabled, and then point you to the latest version instead.

We released an update that works around the restrictions of comments on older notebook versions. When you try to comment on a paused notebook you are now given the choice to navigate to the cell in the latest version:


I'm going to mark this issue as resolved, but please let us know if you still experience problems.