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SharedArrayBuffer support

tomlarkworthy opened this issue · comments

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Synchronous cross worker function call emulation is not possible without SharedArrayBuffer, Atomics.wait(), Atomics.notify(). We do not have the required response headers on the content document

"Cross-Origin-Opener-Policy": "same-origin"
"Cross-Origin-Embedder-Policy": "require-corp"

These are needed to get WASI working. To emulate blocking access to filesystem handles, the WASM worker needs to be paused until JS has a response, and thus the need for Atomics over shared buffers is born. See https://github.com/wasmerio/wasmer-js

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There was a similar discussion for WebR when it still required SharedArrayBuffer, and this issue is essentially a duplicate of #532.

Last time I investigated this my conclusion was that it's simply not possible with Observable's sandbox architecture. I'm going to close this issue for now, but happy to reopen if I'm proven wrong. 🙂

If you like you can give it a shot by overriding headers via Chrome DevTools.

yes its the same issue. I saw those were motivated by R though and solved a different way. This is a blocker for WASI though. Maybe not possible to fix in any sane way though.