Parameterised fixtures & tests
obmarg opened this issue · comments
Providing a way to parameterise tests & fixtures could be nice. Another good py.test feature that elixir doesn't really have.
Have you thought about a good way to approach this? Need it and may be interested in opening a PR
Hi @jakespracher - I haven't used this project in at least 5 years, and no longer write or have much interest in elixir.
You'd probably be better off starting a new project if you want to do this - feel free to steal any code you find useful.
@obmarg as far as I can discern the design of this remains sound and the name is probably ideal. I presently have enough ambition to take on getting this back up to date and maybe adding a feature or two. I'd be happy to open some PRs, or, if you'd rather wash your hands of this, take the project off your hands.
Seems you have moved on to Rust as far as I can tell 😆 I am hoping Elixir may get its "killer app" moment as restrictions continue to lift on PWAs. In any case, seems fun. In the mood to write some OSS in 2024.