obi1kenobi / cargo-semver-checks

Scan your Rust crate for semver violations.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Add "Media coverage" section to the README, with relevant talks, podcasts, blog posts, etc.

obi1kenobi opened this issue · comments

Figure out the best way to lay out such a section to make it the most appealing and effective it can be.

Decide if we can/should use screenshots, YouTube embeds, promotional posters (e.g. from podcast episodes) or other media to promote each entry, or if that might make things too cluttered.

Resources to include:

Possibly also include high-profile mentions in social media posts, GitHub issues, or as part of talks on other topics that still touch on semver-checking. For example, I believe both Luca Palmieri and Jon Gjengset have mentioned cargo-semver-checks in positive terms in their talks, such as this one.