obenn / snyk-orb

Integrate Security into your CircleCI pipeline with Snyk

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Snyk Orb for CircleCI

The Snyk Orb

Use the Snyk orb to easily incorporate Snyk into your CircleCI Workflows. By utilizing this orb in your project workflow, it is possible to use Snyk to test, fix and monitor your project for vulnerabilities in the app dependencies and Docker images, all with a single command. You can set thresholds for vulnerability tolerance in your app or Docker image (and fail the workflows when threshold is exceeded), apply proprietary Snyk patches, and save dependency snapshots on snyk.io for continuous monitoring and alerting.

How to use the Snyk Orb

In fact, it is very easy to start using the Orb. All you need to do is:

  1. Follow the instructions at the Orb Quick Start Guide to enable usage of Orbs in your project workflow
  2. Set up an environment variable (SNYK_TOKEN) with your Snyk API token, which you can get from your account
  3. In the app build job, call the snyk/scan
  4. Optionally, supply parameters to customize orb behaviour

Usage Examples

Scan App Dependencies

version: 2.1

    snyk: snyk/snyk@x.y.z

        - image: circleci/node:4.8.2
        - checkout
        - run: npm install -q
        - snyk/scan

Scan Docker Image

version: 2.1

  snyk: snyk/snyk@x.y.z

      IMAGE_NAME: myrepo/myapp
        - image: circleci/buildpack-deps:stretch
      - checkout
      - setup_remote_docker
      - run:
          name: Build Docker image
          command: docker build -t $IMAGE_NAME:latest .
      - snyk/scan:
          token-variable: SNYK_TOKEN
          docker-image-name: $IMAGE_NAME:latest
          target-file: "Dockerfile"

Advanced Example

version: 2.1

snyk: snyk/snyk@x.y.z

    - image: circleci/node:4.8.2
    - checkout
    - run:
        command: npm install -q
    - snyk/scan:
        token-variable: CICD_SNYK_TOKEN                           # use is api token stored in an env variable named other than SNYK_TOKEN
        severity-threshold: high                                  # only fail if detected high-severity vulnerabilities
        protect: true                                             # apply pactches specified in commited .snyk file (generated by running the [snyk wizard](https://snyk.io/docs/cli-wizard/))
        fail-on-issues: false                                     # don't fail even if issues detected (not recommended!)
        monitor-on-build: true                                    # create a snapshot of apps dependencies on snyk.io, for continoues monitoring (recommended!)
        project: ${CIRCLE_PROJECT_REPONAME}/${CIRCLE_BRANCH}-app  # use this to save the snapshot under specific names.
        organization: ${SNYK_CICD_ORGANIZATION}                   # save reports under a specific Snyk organization

Orb Parameters

Full reference docs https://circleci.com/orbs/registry/orb/snyk/snyk

Parameter Description Required Default Type
command The CLI command (i.e. "test", "iac test") to execute no test string
token-variable Name of env var containing your Snyk API token no SNYK_TOKEN env_var_name
severity-threshold Only report vulnerabilities of provided level or higher (low/medium/high/critical) no low low | med | high | critical
protect Protect the app by applying patches specified in your .snyk file (after running the Snyk wizard) no false boolean
fail-on-issues This specifies if builds should be failed or continued based on issues found by Snyk no true boolean
monitor-on-build Take a current application dependencies snapshot for continuous monitoring by Snyk, if test was succesful no true boolean
target-file The path to the manifest file to be used by Snyk. Should be provided if non-standard no - string
docker-image-name The image name, if scanning a container image no - string
organization The Snyk Organization ID (see Organization-level Settings tab in the Snyk UI) under which this project should be tested and monitored. no - string
project A custom name for the Snyk project to be created on snyk.io no - string
additional-arguments Refer to the Snyk CLI help page for information on additional arguments no - string
os The CLI OS version to download no linux linux | macos | alpine
install-alpine-dependencies For the alpine CLI, should extenral dependencies be installed no true boolean


Snyk found high-severity vulnerabilies in app and failed the workflow

Snyk Found Vulns

Continuous Monitoring on snyk.io

Issues Report

Issues Report on snyk.io

Dependency Tree

Dependency Tree on snyk.io


Integrate Security into your CircleCI pipeline with Snyk

