oantolin / orderless

Emacs completion style that matches multiple regexps in any order

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Different completion candidates in Corfu and Company

drcxd opened this issue · comments


I just tried Orderless with both Corfu and Company. I found that when prioritizing the orderless completion style, Corfu and Company returns different completion candidates.

For example, in the scratch buffer, when I typed


Company would return a list of candidates like these:


It looks like the list is sorted alphabetically and lambda is near the end of the whole list.

However, when using Corfu, in the same situation, lambda is the first candidate. I think Corfu's behavior is the desired one. Any idea how could I fix this problem?

Orderless does no sorting at all! Completion UIs (like Corfu and Company) can sort, and the underlying capf, in this case elisp-completion-at-point might do some sorting of their own.

  • A quick persual of elisp-completion-at-point suggests it does not provide either cycle-sort-function or display-sort-function metadata, so it's not sorting either.

  • Sorting in Corfu is configurable (see corfu-sort-function) and defaults to sorting first by length and breaking ties alphabetically.

  • I don't use company and don't have it installed, but a very superficial look at its repository suggests its sorting is configurable too, controlled by the variable company-transformers and defaults to alphabetical sorting.

So, I wouldn't say "I think Corfu's behavior is the desired one", probably it's more correct to say "Corfu and Company chose different defaults". If you find Corfu's default sorting better (I think I would), I suggest you set company-transformers to '(corfu-sort-length-alpha) (which I believe I should work). But also check out the other options Corfu and Company suggest, you may find a type of sorting you find even more useful. Company's company-sort-by-occurrence sounds pretty useful.

However, when using Corfu, in the same situation, lambda is the first candidate. I think Corfu's behavior is the desired one. Any idea how could I fix this problem?

There is no problem - just use Corfu ;)