oantolin / orderless

Emacs completion style that matches multiple regexps in any order

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Escapable split on spaces, hyphen, or slash

rudolf-adamkovic opened this issue · comments

I would like to get both escaping and splitting on spaces/hyphens/slashes.

When I set orderless-component-separator to 'orderless-escapable-split-on-space, I get splitting on spaces and escaping but not splitting on hyphens and slashes. When I set orderless-component-separator to "Spaces, hyphen or slash" ( +\\|[-/]), I get splitting on spaces/hyphens/slashes but not escaping.

Did you try writing your own component separator derived from orderless-escapable-split-on-space which handles spaces/hyphens/slashes?

I think this is a pretty niche request, so I agree with @minad that the best way to deal with it is to write in your personal configuration a custom separator based on orderless-escapable-split-on-space. Let me know if you get stuck adapting the source code of orderless-escapable-split-on-space to your needs.

Also, just in case this is an XY problem, why do you want to split on hyphens and slashes?


Also, just in case this is an XY problem, why do you want to split on hyphens and slashes?

It might be! TL;DR Escapable spaces work well in the mini-buffer, but when writing Scheme with Corfu, I would like to split on hyphens. I tried corfu-quit-at-boundary but it annoys me how the completion popup lingers around.

For anyone reading in the future, I came up with the following solution:

(defun my-orderless-escapable-split-on-space-and-dash (string)
  (orderless-escapable-split-on-space (string-replace "-" " " string)))

(setq orderless-component-separator

Now, Orderless splits (escapably) on dashes (fantastic for Lisp) and spaces (fantastic for everything else). I left out slashes for now. 😄

Now, Orderless splits [...]

Correction: 20 days later, and I found that my original one-liner above has a problem. While it splits on both dashes and spaces, it does not interpret escaped dashes correctly. For instance, C\-d would not match C-d. So, I wrote the version below to fix the problem.

(defun my-orderless-escapable-split-on-space-and-dash (string)
  "Split STRING on spaces and dash, if not escaped with backslash."
  (let ((encode
         (lambda (string)
           (let* ((step-1 (string-replace "\\ " "&space;" string))
                  (step-2 (string-replace "\\-" "−" step-1)))
         (lambda (string)
           (let* ((step-1 (string-replace "&space;" " " string))
                  (step-2 (string-replace "−" "-" step-1)))
    (let* ((string-encoded (funcall encode string))
           (components-encoded (split-string string-encoded " +\\|-"))
           (components (mapcar decode components-encoded)))