oamg / convert2rhel

A tool to automate converting Oracle/CentOS/Scientific/Rocky/Alma Linux to Red Hat Enterprise Linux

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

CentOS7 >> RHEL 7 Converting with RH Satellite 6.11.2

tux1980 opened this issue · comments


I'm getting the following errors migrating CentOS7 to RHEL 7

""CRITICAL - No packages containing kernel modules available in the enabled repositories (rhel-7-server-rpms).""

And the Host Output says:
output_type: stdout
    output: !ruby/string:Sequel::SQL::Blob 'fatal: [ec2-3-67-227-205.eu-central-1.compute.amazonaws.com]:
      FAILED! => {"changed": true, "cmd": ["convert2rhel", "-y", "--activationkey",
      "*****", "--org", "*****", "--keep-rhsm"], "delta": "0:03:25.087522",
      "end": "2022-09-14 06:51:54.367869", "msg": "non-zero return code", "rc": 1,
      "start": "2022-09-14 06:48:29.280347", "stderr": "", "stderr_lines": [], "stdout":

Does anyone have a clue where I'm going to fail here?

DYNFLOW Output Satellite Server

Hey, @tux1980. I'm sorry that you encountered a problem during the conversion.
By looking at the outputs you pasted in the pastebin it is kind of hard to determinate the cause of the problem. Could you paste for us the output that is located in the machine (if possible)? It should be under /var/log/convert2rhel.

Also, It's probably a good idea to generate another activation_key for your org, since it's in plaintext here in the description and in the satellite output.

Hi That's weird, obviously, like it was also with my RHEL 8 machine, the issue was that to less memory was assigned (1GB). After changing that and assigning 4GB to the AWS machine is was running smoothly, took about 10 Minutes. Same I did experience with the CentOS8 Workload (I closed this too).