oakes / vim_cubed

Vim rendered on a cube for no reason

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Unable to install vim3 using nimble

milad2golnia opened this issue · comments

I am completely new to NIM language but I want to install vim3.
when i run nimble run vim3, the output is:

Verifying dependencies for vim3@0.1.0
 Installing paranim@>= 0.3.0
Downloading https://github.com/paranim/paranim using git
  Verifying dependencies for paranim@0.3.0
 Installing nimgl@>= 1.0.0
Downloading https://github.com/nimgl/nimgl using git

and then nothing happens.
what is the problem?
NOTE: I tried git clone https://github.com/nimgl/nimgl and the repository cloned normally.

are you on linux? see the bottom of the readme if so

are you on linux? see the bottom of the readme if so

Yes, I am on Manjaro(which is arch based). I tried sudo ln -s /usr/lib/libssl.so /usr/lib/libssl-dev.so but still same problem.
NOTE: below packages aren't available in Manjaro: libtinfo5, libgl1-mesa-dev, xorg-dev.

hmm what made you try that with libssl? that's not in the readme

hmm what made you try that with libssl? that's not in the readme

Sorry, It was typo. I tried sudo ln -s /usr/lib/libtinfo.so.6 /usr/lib/libtinfo.so.5 right now and the output is:
ln: failed to create symbolic link '/usr/lib/libtinfo.so.5': File exists
what should I do?

i don't think your issue is libtinfo, that would be a runtime error. you may need to find the arch equivalents to libgl1-mesa-dev (opengl) and xorg-dev (x11). can you try nimble run vim3 --verbose ? maybe that will give a better error

i don't think your issue is libtinfo, that would be a runtime error. you may need to find the arch equivalents to libgl1-mesa-dev (opengl) and xorg-dev (x11). can you try nimble run vim3 --verbose ? maybe that will give a better error

the result of nimble run vim3 --verbose:

Verifying dependencies for vim3@0.1.0
    Reading official package list
   Checking for paranim@>= 0.3.0
 Installing paranim@>= 0.3.0
    Reading official package list
Downloading https://github.com/paranim/paranim using git
    Cloning latest tagged version: 0.3.0
       Info /tmp/nimble_56998/githubcom_paranimparanim_0.3.0/paranim_56998.nims(1, 8) Warning: imported and not used: 'system' [UnusedImport]
        ... /tmp/nimble_56998/githubcom_paranimparanim_0.3.0/paranim_56998.nims(5, 22) Warning: imported and not used: 'strutils' [UnusedImport]
  Verifying dependencies for paranim@0.3.0
    Reading official package list
   Checking for nimgl@>= 1.0.0
 Installing nimgl@>= 1.0.0
    Reading official package list
Downloading https://github.com/nimgl/nimgl using git
    Cloning latest tagged version: 1.1.1

I found some equivalents to libgl1-mesa-dev & xorg-dev (Like all mesa headers and all xorg headers) and installed them but to no avail:(
I try to found some other again.

Fortunately when i tried the nimble run vim3 --verbose again and after a while, I got it worked.
I didn't installed any library in this time and I didn't know what happened really.
After all I am so happy that have this program on my system and so I close this issue.
just as an advise it will be great if user be able to set the speed of cube.
thank you very much. your responsibility was great.