oakes / vim_cubed

Vim rendered on a cube for no reason

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How to exit vim?

jobpaardekooper opened this issue · comments

How to exit vim?

Press the power button on your computer. It works for me.

Another way if you're on linux: Hold Alt + SysRq and press/let go in sequence: r e i s u b

No need for such drastic means, quitting Vim is much simpler. Make sure you're in normal mode, then type :execute "!kill -9 " . getpid(). If you feel like that's a mouthful - fear not! Vim includes a mechanism for specifying your own commands. In your ~/.vimrc, add the following line

nnoremap gtfo :execute "!kill -9 " . getpid()<CR>

You should now be able to quit vim by typing gtfo in normal mode.

Help I’m trapped in Vim and I can only communicate through this GitHub issues browser I wrote in VimL

I'm having the same problem. Does anyone know how to exit vim?

Edit: Nevermind, found it.