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Bug Report - Regular "GPU device was removed" crash when using debug button on viewfinder.

GaianHelmers opened this issue · comments

Describe the bug
Using the "Debug" bug icon in the viewfinder causes a "GPU device was removed fatal error" nearly guaranteed.


Assets required
Just the engine.

Steps to reproduce
Steps to reproduce the behavior:

  1. Open blank project.
  2. Click on the Bug Icon in the top right of the viewfinder window.
  3. GPU Device disconnected Crash

Expected behavior
I can change the debug info size with the debug bug icon.

Actual behavior
It crashes 90% of the time.


Found in Branch
Dev - c4525e6

Desktop/Device (please complete the following information):

  • Device: Desktop
  • OS: Windows 10
  • CPU Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-10700K CPU @ 3.80GHz 3.79 GHz
  • GPU MSI 3070
  • Memory 64GB

It's been a bug for a while now, not new to this commit.

Still present on Dev - 9292148

Happens guaranteed if you click the button a few times.

Is it possible to run with following command line -rhi-device-validation="enable" and then paste the output log here. It may provide leads into why the GPU crashed. In the meantime feel free to use Vulkan if blocked on this.

Is it possible to run with following command line -rhi-device-validation="enable" and then paste the output log here. It may provide leads into why the GPU crashed. In the meantime feel free to use Vulkan if blocked on this.

That command is not working in the editor command line:

And I'm not sure where the eventual log file will be if the editor is going to crash out.

Please advise, I'm happy to test. (Just ignorant of the process right now.)

Sorry. You have to pass that in as a command line param when launching the Editor. It is not a cvar and as such ou can't activate it at runtime