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Open 3D Engine (O3DE) is an Apache 2.0-licensed multi-platform 3D engine that enables developers and content creators to build AAA games, cinema-quality 3D worlds, and high-fidelity simulations without any fees or commercial obligations.

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Compiler errors are passing through AR

amzn-changml opened this issue · comments

Describe the bug
Certain compiler errors are passing AR, specifically the C2220 (warning as error) and C1060 (compiler is out of heap space) errors in MSBuild

Failed Jenkins Job Information:
The name of the job that failed, job build number, and code snippit of the failure.

C2220: https://jenkins.build.o3de.org/blue/rest/organizations/jenkins/pipelines/o3de-extras/branches/development/runs/131/nodes/645/steps/652/log/?start=0

C1060: https://jenkins.build.o3de.org/blue/rest/organizations/jenkins/pipelines/O3DE/branches/development/runs/4969/nodes/553/log/?start=0

Additional context
From Nick_L:

the actual chain of events in that linked jenkins file is

python.exe: ci_build.py:
         process_return = subprocess.run([build_cmd_path], cwd=cwd_dir, env=env_params)
                                    (cmd is build_windows.cmd)`


call ECHO [ci_build] cmake --build . --target %CMAKE_TARGET% --config %CONFIGURATION% %CMAKE_BUILD_ARGS% -- %CMAKE_NATIVE_BUILD_ARGS%
call cmake --build . --target %CMAKE_TARGET% --config %CONFIGURATION% %CMAKE_BUILD_ARGS% -- %CMAKE_NATIVE_BUILD_ARGS%

I don't see how that fails to echo the errorlevel up - I tested and yes, call (exe) does bubble up the errorlevel
could be the ol' ERRORLEVEL vs %ERRORLEVEL% vs !ERRORLEVEL! vs delaeyd expansion

Resolved with #17794