o3de / o3de

Open 3D Engine (O3DE) is an Apache 2.0-licensed multi-platform 3D engine that enables developers and content creators to build AAA games, cinema-quality 3D worlds, and high-fidelity simulations without any fees or commercial obligations.

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‘reset transform values’ with multiple selected entities only applies to your first selected, not all

pwalterscarb opened this issue · comments

Selecting a bunch of entities and setting ‘reset transform values’ only applies to your first selected, not all. Would be good to apply to ALL.


Steps to reproduce the behavior:

  1. Select multiple entities that have parents
  2. Right click in the 'Transform' component
  3. Select ‘reset transform values’
  4. You should see only the first selected entity reset its transform values
  5. The other entities do not reset

I would expect ALL selected entities to be reset.

Here's a video showing the steps and behavior.

Found in Branch
Commit ID from o3de/o3de Repository
custom engine version 2310.2

Device: [PC]
OS: [Windows]
Version [10]
CPU [Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-1650 v3 @ 3.50GHz, 3501 Mhz, 6 Core(s), 12 Logical Processor(s)]
GPU [NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3090]
Memory [32GB]

Got a repro, I feel like this is an issue with the functionality itself. Will look into it.