nytimes / openapi2proto

A tool for generating Protobuf v3 schemas and gRPC service definitions from OpenAPI specifications

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

The NYTimes GitHub org will be renamed to nytimes

gkilleen opened this issue · comments

Users / Importers of openapi2proto, please note that the github.com/NYTimes org (where this repo resides) will be renamed to all lowercase github.com/nytimes. This branding change is for readability and to conform with the majority of other GitHub entities and open source projects.

When the organization name changes, users will still be able to download, import, and use any of our NYTimes libraries with the old casing (NYTimes). Therefore, there shouldn’t be any action taken on the user’s side as long as you have your dependencies managed through Go Modules or Dep.

However, once the github name changes, we will also be updating the import paths in the actual code of those libraries. Once that code is committed, we will tag a major version release. This way, users know that if they want to know this update is a breaking change and they would have to update their own import paths too.

In Go Modules, you will need to change the import path to lowercase NYTimes to nytimes and also ensure the import path includes the major version per Semantic Import Versioning rules.

The proposed date for the rename will happen during the week of March 4, 2019.

Please note this rename occurred on March 4, 2019 at 11:35AM EST.