nytimes / ice

track changes with javascript

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Online Contract Editor problem

MrDanas opened this issue · comments

This issue is related to a case opened to Salesforce with ID #43680894 where they sugested to create an issue here.
Adding new text next to a red deletion line causes the added text to be appended to the deleted text instead of the new text.
This only looks to occur in the instance that the new word is added without a space between the old and new word
When I delete a word it will include a strikethrough, if I then add a new word without a space it will remove the strikethrough on the deleted word.

Hi! There are any updates with this issue? Our customer is requesting to solve this problem and we need information. If there is another way to have technical support about this issue, we would appreciate to know it, thanks!

Hey @MrDanas ,
not sure what the NY Times developers says about this, but as someone who has contributed quite a bit to this library in the past, I feel obliged to tell you that this library is quite out of date and in many ways unfixable due to the way it is structured as browsers are changing those parts that this library touches all the time. I would recommend going with an editing library that maintains its own model of the content - such as ProseMirror or CKEditor 5 and build tracked changes on top of that.

I have built a fully working tracked changes editor on top of ProseMirror in Fidus Writer. Let me know if you have further questions.