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Clear FileSystemPersister

Shakezulla57 opened this issue · comments


I'm currently using the FileSystemPersister setup like this:

FileSystemPersisterFactory.create( cache, pathResolver, 1, TimeUnit.HOURS )

I'd like to use getRefreshing() and clear(). However, FileSystemPersister doesn't implement Clearable. How can I bust the cache of the FileSystemPersister while still utilizing a timed cache and networkBeforeStale()?

The readme section about SourcePerster and FileSystem make it seem like this is supposed to be working. Am I missing something?

You are correct, the FileSystemPersisterFactory is a convenience factory for common persisters. If you'd like a persister that implements Clearable you would have to implement that yourself. You can take a look at the persister that is generated by the factory as a starting point and then add the Clearable interface to it