nypublicradio / audiogram

Turn audio into a shareable video.

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Successful installation via Docker...then nothing

greylockglass opened this issue · comments

Hiya, folks!

So, I installed via Docker, apparently successfully, since Audiogram appears to be running in the Docker dashboard. But...now what? I attempted to open in a browser window, but get the error:

This page isn’t working
localhost didn’t send any data.

What might I be missing?


— Jay

Hi, I think this project is abandoned. For a while there was a BBC News Labs version that was really good, but I think they removed the repo.

I am using this fork now and it works out of the box in Docker: https://github.com/newsdev/audiogram

@greylockglass You're almost there! Once you fire up the Docker image, you'll be at a command prompt in the container. Run npm start and you'll have the web interface listening on :8888!

Thanks, @hapimp ! I'll give it a try. I feel like I did actually go down that road and came to a dead end. I may just resort to Headliner, which is a web-based service that looks like it may be based on Audiogram.