nypublicradio / audiogram

Turn audio into a shareable video.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Drakone opened this issue · comments


Hi, thank you for your work.

I changed the maximum duration but I still have the error : Your Audiogram must be under 300 seconds.

I used Archlinux (Docker).

  "default": {
    "width": 1280,
    "height": 720,
    "framesPerSecond": 20,
    "samplesPerFrame": 128,
    "pattern": "wave",
    "waveTop": 150,
    "maxDuration": 600,
    "waveBottom": 420,
    "captionTop": 470,
    "captionFont": "300 52px 'Source Sans Pro'",
    "captionLineHeight": 52,
    "captionLineSpacing": 7,
    "captionLeft": 200,
    "captionRight": 1080

The problem when using Docker is when you create the image, it doesn't use the local code you edited. Instead it downloads the original code from Git. I don't know much about Docker but this is what you need to change in the Dockerfile:

> # Clone repo
> RUN git clone https://github.com/nypublicradio/audiogram.git
> WORKDIR /home/audiogram/audiogram

The BBC has forked the project and has been updating it regularly. It looks like the Dockerfile builds the image using local code. https://github.com/BBC-News-Labs/audiogram