nymtech / nym-vpn-client

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DNS queries are failing on specific Linux

doums opened this issue · comments

On my linux box (Arch Linux 6.7.2-arch1-2) running the vpn (both desktop and cli) with sudo, seems to run fine, no errors in the logs, but DNS queries are failing

  • ping stay silent and will timeout at some point
  • same with curl
  • opening a web page in the browser will load indefinitely and timeout

Pinging/curling raw IPs works as expected.

My network setup is standard, wired connection, network manager systemd-network, DNS resolution systemd-resolved.

interfaces when vpn connection is UP

›  ~/D/n/n/nym-vpn-desktop ip link
1: lo: <LOOPBACK,UP,LOWER_UP> mtu 65536 qdisc noqueue state UNKNOWN mode DEFAULT group default qlen 1000
    link/loopback 00:00:00:00:00:00 brd 00:00:00:00:00:00
2: eno1: <BROADCAST,MULTICAST,UP,LOWER_UP> mtu 1500 qdisc fq_codel state UP mode DEFAULT group default qlen 1000
    link/ether _:_:_:_:_:_ brd ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff
    altname enp0s31f6
3: tun0: <POINTOPOINT,MULTICAST,NOARP,UP,LOWER_UP> mtu 1500 qdisc fq_codel state UNKNOWN mode DEFAULT group default qlen 500

eno1 is my current interface (wired ethernet), tun0 is created by vpn

full logs

2024-02-02T10:29:51.612950Z DEBUG connect: nym_vpn_desktop::commands::connection: connect
2024-02-02T10:29:51.613109Z TRACE connect: nym_vpn_desktop::commands::connection: update connection state [Connecting]
2024-02-02T10:29:51.613194Z DEBUG connect: nym_vpn_desktop::commands::connection: sending event [connection-state]: Connecting
2024-02-02T10:29:51.613468Z TRACE connect: nym_vpn_desktop::commands::connection: sending event [connection-progress]: Initializing
2024-02-02T10:29:51.613656Z DEBUG connect: nym_vpn_desktop::commands::connection: entry node location set, using: DE
2024-02-02T10:29:51.613782Z DEBUG connect: nym_vpn_desktop::commands::connection: exit node location set, using: DE
2024-02-02T10:29:51.614282Z  INFO connect:create_vpn_config: nym_vpn_desktop::vpn_client: Using nym-api: https://sandbox-nym-api1.nymtech.net/api
2024-02-02T10:29:51.614476Z  INFO connect: nym_vpn_desktop::commands::connection: 5-hop mode enabled
2024-02-02T10:29:51.614551Z  INFO connect: nym_vpn_desktop::commands::connection: wireguard 1st hop disabled
2024-02-02T10:29:51.614825Z  INFO connect: nym_vpn_desktop::commands::connection: nym vpn client spawned
2024-02-02T10:29:51.614911Z TRACE connect: nym_vpn_desktop::commands::connection: sending event [connection-progress]: InitDone
2024-02-02T10:29:51.615087Z DEBUG connect: nym_vpn_desktop::commands::connection: starting exit listener
2024-02-02T10:29:51.615326Z DEBUG connect: nym_vpn_desktop::commands::connection: starting status listener
2024-02-02T10:29:51.615559Z TRACE connect: nym_vpn_desktop::commands::connection: added vpn_ctrl_tx to app state
2024-02-02T10:29:51.626221Z  INFO nym_vpn_lib::gateway_client: Lookup described gateways
2024-02-02T10:29:51.794836Z  INFO nym_vpn_lib: Determined criteria for location 9W5XkGCuJFsmcA2QGcfWuboaez9p9Dx4wSmfL8zKhUB1
2024-02-02T10:29:51.795049Z  INFO nym_vpn_lib: Exit router address 4T3BGyjUFZDp5iZa7kGPzx2Kq5UNzQSomwwv4w7D7rGF.56kCcEMvAUsHSZ2CXuJv8Wp4vBwg4CFDTSP4N5Eogx5d@DphEmo33pZonPcBwJxFEkdS1EMKS9uAt7VGZVdsxGBgY
2024-02-02T10:29:51.795379Z  INFO nym_vpn_lib: tunnel_gateway_ip: ipv4:
2024-02-02T10:29:51.796589Z  INFO nym_vpn_lib::routing: Default interface: eno1
2024-02-02T10:29:51.796650Z DEBUG nym_vpn_lib::routing: Default interface: Interface { index: 2, name: "eno1", friendly_name: None, description: None, if_type: Ethernet, mac_addr: Some(MacAddr(123)), ipv4: [], ipv6: [fe80::52d9:5112:4b80:6165/64], flags: 69699, transmit_speed: Some(1000000000), receive_speed: Some(1000000000), gateway: Some(Gateway { mac_addr: MacAddr(1234), ip_addr: }) }
2024-02-02T10:29:51.796778Z  INFO nym_vpn_lib: default_lan_gateway_ip: Interface { index: 2, name: "eno1", friendly_name: None, description: None, if_type: Ethernet, mac_addr: Some(MacAddr(123)), ipv4: [], ipv6: [fe80::52d9:5112:4b80:6165/64], flags: 69699, transmit_speed: Some(1000000000), receive_speed: Some(1000000000), gateway: Some(Gateway { mac_addr: MacAddr(1234), ip_addr: }) }
2024-02-02T10:29:51.796868Z  INFO nym_vpn_lib: Setting up route manager
2024-02-02T10:29:51.800707Z  INFO nym_vpn_lib: Creating tunnel
2024-02-02T10:29:51.800786Z DEBUG nym_vpn_lib::tunnel: Starting firewall
2024-02-02T10:29:51.800827Z DEBUG nym_vpn_lib::tunnel: Starting dns monitor
2024-02-02T10:29:51.800868Z  INFO nym_vpn_lib: Wireguard is disabled
2024-02-02T10:29:51.800933Z  INFO nym_vpn_lib: Setting up mixnet client
2024-02-02T10:29:51.801244Z  INFO nym_vpn_lib::mixnet_connect: mixnet client poisson rate limiting: disabled
2024-02-02T10:29:51.801290Z  INFO nym_vpn_lib::mixnet_connect: mixnet client background loop cover traffic stream: enabled
2024-02-02T10:29:51.801321Z  INFO nym_vpn_lib::mixnet_connect: mixnet client two hop traffic: disabled
2024-02-02T10:29:51.801350Z DEBUG nym_vpn_lib::mixnet_connect: mixnet client has wireguard_mode=false
2024-02-02T10:29:51.801379Z DEBUG nym_vpn_lib::mixnet_connect: Using ephemeral key storage
2024-02-02T10:29:51.921434Z  INFO nym_client_core::init::helpers: nym-api reports 9 valid gateways
2024-02-02T10:29:51.921663Z  INFO nym_client_core::client::base_client: Starting nym client
2024-02-02T10:29:52.248885Z  INFO nym_client_core::client::base_client: Obtaining initial network topology
2024-02-02T10:29:52.401188Z  INFO nym_client_core::client::base_client: Starting topology refresher...
2024-02-02T10:29:52.401400Z  INFO nym_client_core::client::base_client: Starting packet statistics control...
2024-02-02T10:29:52.403078Z  INFO nym_client_core::client::packet_statistics_control: rx: 0.00 B/s (real: 0.00 B/s), tx: 0.00 B/s (real: 0.00 B/s)
2024-02-02T10:29:52.436415Z  INFO nym_client_core::client::base_client: Starting received messages buffer controller...
2024-02-02T10:29:52.436584Z  INFO nym_client_core::client::base_client: Starting mix traffic controller...
2024-02-02T10:29:52.436698Z  INFO nym_client_core::client::base_client: Starting real traffic stream...
2024-02-02T10:29:52.437144Z  INFO nym_client_core::client::base_client: Starting loop cover traffic stream...
2024-02-02T10:29:52.437360Z  INFO nym_vpn_lib: Connecting to IP packet router
2024-02-02T10:29:52.437429Z  INFO nym_vpn_lib::mixnet_connect: Sending connect request
2024-02-02T10:29:52.437494Z DEBUG nym_vpn_lib::mixnet_connect: Sending dynamic connect request
2024-02-02T10:29:52.437681Z  INFO nym_vpn_lib::mixnet_connect: Waiting for reply...
2024-02-02T10:29:53.256752Z DEBUG nym_vpn_lib::mixnet_connect: MixnetProcessor: Got message while waiting for connect response
2024-02-02T10:29:53.256902Z  INFO nym_vpn_lib::mixnet_connect: Got response with matching id
2024-02-02T10:29:53.256944Z DEBUG nym_vpn_lib::mixnet_connect: Handling dynamic connect response
2024-02-02T10:29:53.256983Z  INFO nym_vpn_lib: Successfully connected to IP packet router on the exit gateway!
2024-02-02T10:29:53.257002Z  INFO nym_vpn_lib: Using IP address:
2024-02-02T10:29:53.257061Z  INFO nym_vpn_lib: Using gateway: 9W5XkGCuJFsmcA2QGcfWuboaez9p9Dx4wSmfL8zKhUB1
2024-02-02T10:29:53.285704Z DEBUG nym_vpn_lib: Gateway ip resolves to:
2024-02-02T10:29:53.285744Z  INFO nym_vpn_lib: Setting up routing
2024-02-02T10:29:53.285764Z DEBUG nym_vpn_lib::routing: TUN device IP:
2024-02-02T10:29:53.285781Z DEBUG nym_vpn_lib: Routing config: RoutingConfig {
    mixnet_tun_config: Configuration {
        name: None,
        platform_config: PlatformConfig {
            packet_information: false,
            ensure_root_privileges: true,
        address: Some(
        destination: None,
        broadcast: None,
        netmask: None,
        mtu: Some(
        enabled: Some(
        layer: None,
        queues: None,
        raw_fd: None,
    lan_gateway_ip: LanGatewayIp(
        Interface {
            index: 2,
            name: "eno1",
            friendly_name: None,
            description: None,
            if_type: Ethernet,
            mac_addr: Some(
            ipv4: [
            ipv6: [
            flags: 69699,
            transmit_speed: Some(
            receive_speed: Some(
            gateway: Some(
                Gateway {
                    mac_addr: MacAddr(
    tunnel_gateway_ip: TunnelGatewayIp {
        ipv6: None,
2024-02-02T10:29:53.285902Z  INFO nym_vpn_lib::routing: Creating tun device
2024-02-02T10:29:53.286361Z  INFO nym_vpn_lib::routing: Created tun device tun0 with ip=""
2024-02-02T10:29:53.286397Z DEBUG nym_vpn_lib::routing: Created tun device tun0: ip=Ok(, broadcast=Ok(, netmask=Ok(, destination=Ok(, mtu=Ok(1500)
2024-02-02T10:29:53.288801Z  INFO nym_vpn_lib::routing: Using node_v4: Node { ip: None, device: Some("tun0") }
2024-02-02T10:29:53.288854Z  INFO nym_vpn_lib::routing: Using node_v6: Node { ip: None, device: Some("tun0") }
2024-02-02T10:29:53.288888Z  INFO nym_vpn_lib::routing: Add extra route: ["", Node { ip: Some(, device: Some("eno1") }]
2024-02-02T10:29:53.288920Z  INFO nym_vpn_lib::routing: Adding routes to route manager
2024-02-02T10:29:53.288981Z DEBUG nym_vpn_lib::routing: Routes: {
    RequiredRoute {
        prefix: V4(
            Ipv4Network {
                prefix: 0,
        node: RealNode(
            Node {
                ip: None,
                device: Some(
        main_table: false,
    RequiredRoute {
        prefix: V6(
            Ipv6Network {
                addr: ::,
                prefix: 0,
        node: RealNode(
            Node {
                ip: None,
                device: Some(
        main_table: false,
    RequiredRoute {
        prefix: V4(
            Ipv4Network {
                prefix: 32,
        node: RealNode(
            Node {
                ip: Some(
                device: Some(
        main_table: false,
2024-02-02T10:29:53.290120Z  INFO nym_vpn_lib: Setting up mixnet processor
2024-02-02T10:29:53.290162Z DEBUG nym_vpn_lib: Mixnet processor config: Config {
    ip_packet_router_address: IpPacketRouterAddress(
2024-02-02T10:29:53.290315Z  INFO nym_vpn_lib::mixnet_processor: Creating mixnet processor
2024-02-02T10:29:53.290441Z  INFO nym_vpn_lib::mixnet_processor: Opened mixnet processor on tun device tun0
2024-02-02T10:29:53.290487Z DEBUG nym_vpn_lib::mixnet_processor: Splitting tun device into sink and stream
2024-02-02T10:29:53.290520Z DEBUG nym_vpn_lib::mixnet_processor: Acquiring mixnet client
2024-02-02T10:29:53.290554Z DEBUG nym_vpn_lib::mixnet_processor: Split mixnet sender
2024-02-02T10:29:53.290571Z DEBUG nym_vpn_lib::mixnet_processor: Setting up mixnet stream
2024-02-02T10:29:53.290560Z  INFO nym_vpn_desktop::vpn_client: received vpn status message: Ready
2024-02-02T10:29:53.290585Z  INFO nym_vpn_lib::mixnet_processor: Mixnet processor is running
2024-02-02T10:29:53.290607Z  INFO nym_vpn_desktop::vpn_client: vpn connection has been established
2024-02-02T10:29:53.290735Z TRACE nym_vpn_desktop::vpn_client: update connection state [Connected]
2024-02-02T10:29:53.290761Z DEBUG nym_vpn_desktop::vpn_client: sending event [connection-state]: Connected
2024-02-02T10:29:54.403284Z  INFO nym_client_core::client::packet_statistics_control: rx: 3.21 kiB/s (real: 1.07 kiB/s), tx: 59.69 kiB/s (real: 43.98 kiB/s)
2024-02-02T10:29:56.403289Z  INFO nym_client_core::client::packet_statistics_control: rx: 3.21 kiB/s (real: 0.00 B/s), tx: 67.53 kiB/s (real: 58.11 kiB/s)  
2024-02-02T10:29:58.402383Z  INFO nym_client_core::client::packet_statistics_control: rx: 4.28 kiB/s (real: 0.00 B/s), tx: 33.00 kiB/s (real: 28.29 kiB/s)  
2024-02-02T10:30:00.426673Z  INFO nym_client_core::client::packet_statistics_control: rx: 5.27 kiB/s (real: 0.00 B/s), tx: 15.47 kiB/s (real: 3.09 kiB/s)   
2024-02-02T10:30:02.402421Z  INFO nym_client_core::client::packet_statistics_control: rx: 9.69 kiB/s (real: 0.00 B/s), tx: 33.19 kiB/s (real: 18.97 kiB/s)  
2024-02-02T10:30:04.402601Z  INFO nym_client_core::client::packet_statistics_control: rx: 7.48 kiB/s (real: 0.00 B/s), tx: 25.12 kiB/s (real: 14.13 kiB/s)  
2024-02-02T10:30:06.402959Z  INFO nym_client_core::client::packet_statistics_control: rx: 11.77 kiB/s (real: 0.00 B/s), tx: 21.99 kiB/s (real: 9.42 kiB/s)  
2024-02-02T10:30:08.402560Z  INFO nym_client_core::client::packet_statistics_control: rx: 10.70 kiB/s (real: 0.00 B/s), tx: 28.28 kiB/s (real: 15.71 kiB/s) 
2024-02-02T10:30:10.402576Z  INFO nym_client_core::client::packet_statistics_control: rx: 6.42 kiB/s (real: 0.00 B/s), tx: 26.71 kiB/s (real: 20.42 kiB/s)  
2024-02-02T10:30:12.402400Z  INFO nym_client_core::client::packet_statistics_control: rx: 7.53 kiB/s (real: 0.00 B/s), tx: 12.63 kiB/s (real: 4.74 kiB/s)   
2024-02-02T10:30:14.403281Z  INFO nym_client_core::client::packet_statistics_control: rx: 11.90 kiB/s (real: 0.00 B/s), tx: 17.48 kiB/s (real: 3.18 kiB/s)  
2024-02-02T10:30:16.403365Z  INFO nym_client_core::client::packet_statistics_control: rx: 7.49 kiB/s (real: 0.00 B/s), tx: 20.42 kiB/s (real: 4.71 kiB/s)   
2024-02-02T10:30:18.402884Z  INFO nym_client_core::client::packet_statistics_control: rx: 6.42 kiB/s (real: 0.00 B/s), tx: 9.43 kiB/s (real: 1.57 kiB/s)
2024-02-02T10:30:20.402889Z  INFO nym_client_core::client::packet_statistics_control: rx: 5.35 kiB/s (real: 0.00 B/s), tx: 11.00 kiB/s (real: 0.00 B/s)
2024-02-02T10:30:22.402914Z  INFO nym_client_core::client::packet_statistics_control: rx: 7.49 kiB/s (real: 0.00 B/s), tx: 11.00 kiB/s (real: 1.57 kiB/s)   
2024-02-02T10:30:24.403128Z  INFO nym_client_core::client::packet_statistics_control: rx: 7.49 kiB/s (real: 0.00 B/s), tx: 36.13 kiB/s (real: 23.56 kiB/s)  
2024-02-02T10:30:26.402586Z  INFO nym_client_core::client::packet_statistics_control: rx: 6.42 kiB/s (real: 0.00 B/s), tx: 12.57 kiB/s (real: 6.28 kiB/s)   
2024-02-02T10:30:28.403519Z  INFO nym_client_core::client::packet_statistics_control: rx: 5.35 kiB/s (real: 0.00 B/s), tx: 9.42 kiB/s (real: 1.57 kiB/s)
2024-02-02T10:30:30.402628Z  INFO nym_client_core::client::packet_statistics_control: rx: 7.49 kiB/s (real: 0.00 B/s), tx: 9.43 kiB/s (real: 1.57 kiB/s)
2024-02-02T10:30:32.402684Z  INFO nym_client_core::client::packet_statistics_control: rx: 10.70 kiB/s (real: 0.00 B/s), tx: 18.86 kiB/s (real: 1.57 kiB/s)  
2024-02-02T10:30:34.402719Z  INFO nym_client_core::client::packet_statistics_control: rx: 10.79 kiB/s (real: 0.00 B/s), tx: 11.09 kiB/s (real: 3.17 kiB/s)  
2024-02-02T10:30:36.406408Z  INFO nym_client_core::client::packet_statistics_control: rx: 4.28 kiB/s (real: 0.00 B/s), tx: 9.42 kiB/s (real: 3.14 kiB/s)
2024-02-02T10:30:38.403063Z  INFO nym_client_core::client::packet_statistics_control: rx: 13.94 kiB/s (real: 8.58 kiB/s), tx: 25.20 kiB/s (real: 17.32 kiB/s)
2024-02-02T10:30:40.402811Z  INFO nym_client_core::client::packet_statistics_control: rx: 18.19 kiB/s (real: 8.56 kiB/s), tx: 29.86 kiB/s (real: 15.71 kiB/s)
2024-02-02T10:30:42.412945Z  INFO nym_client_core::client::packet_statistics_control: rx: 8.50 kiB/s (real: 0.00 B/s), tx: 23.41 kiB/s (real: 6.24 kiB/s)   
2024-02-02T10:30:44.437188Z  INFO nym_client_core::client::packet_statistics_control: rx: 19.87 kiB/s (real: 9.41 kiB/s), tx: 30.72 kiB/s (real: 19.97 kiB/s)
2024-02-02T10:30:46.402700Z  INFO nym_client_core::client::packet_statistics_control: rx: 19.29 kiB/s (real: 10.72 kiB/s), tx: 31.47 kiB/s (real: 18.88 kiB/s)
2024-02-02T10:30:48.403159Z  INFO nym_client_core::client::packet_statistics_control: rx: 11.77 kiB/s (real: 4.28 kiB/s), tx: 14.14 kiB/s (real: 3.14 kiB/s)
2024-02-02T10:30:50.408606Z  INFO nym_client_core::client::packet_statistics_control: rx: 13.85 kiB/s (real: 8.52 kiB/s), tx: 25.04 kiB/s (real: 15.65 kiB/s)
2024-02-02T10:30:52.402879Z  INFO nym_client_core::client::packet_statistics_control: rx: 15.03 kiB/s (real: 5.37 kiB/s), tx: 20.50 kiB/s (real: 7.88 kiB/s)
2024-02-02T10:30:54.402570Z  INFO nym_client_core::client::packet_statistics_control: rx: 5.35 kiB/s (real: 0.00 B/s), tx: 25.13 kiB/s (real: 18.85 kiB/s)  
2024-02-02T10:30:56.403273Z  INFO nym_client_core::client::packet_statistics_control: rx: 6.42 kiB/s (real: 0.00 B/s), tx: 18.85 kiB/s (real: 7.86 kiB/s)   
2024-02-02T10:30:58.402807Z  INFO nym_client_core::client::packet_statistics_control: rx: 6.42 kiB/s (real: 0.00 B/s), tx: 14.14 kiB/s (real: 6.29 kiB/s)   
2024-02-02T10:31:00.405655Z  INFO nym_client_core::client::packet_statistics_control: rx: 2.09 kiB/s (real: 0.00 B/s), tx: 9.23 kiB/s (real: 4.61 kiB/s)
2024-02-02T10:31:02.403010Z  INFO nym_client_core::client::packet_statistics_control: rx: 4.28 kiB/s (real: 0.00 B/s), tx: 15.70 kiB/s (real: 6.28 kiB/s)   
2024-02-02T10:31:04.403042Z  INFO nym_client_core::client::packet_statistics_control: rx: 11.77 kiB/s (real: 0.00 B/s), tx: 14.14 kiB/s (real: 0.00 B/s)
2024-02-02T10:31:06.406006Z  INFO nym_client_core::client::packet_statistics_control: rx: 4.27 kiB/s (real: 0.00 B/s), tx: 12.54 kiB/s (real: 1.57 kiB/s)   
2024-02-02T10:31:08.403338Z  INFO nym_client_core::client::packet_statistics_control: rx: 7.48 kiB/s (real: 1.07 kiB/s), tx: 31.41 kiB/s (real: 20.41 kiB/s)
2024-02-02T10:31:10.403196Z  INFO nym_client_core::client::packet_statistics_control: rx: 12.84 kiB/s (real: 2.14 kiB/s), tx: 23.57 kiB/s (real: 9.43 kiB/s)
2024-02-02T10:31:12.403225Z  INFO nym_client_core::client::packet_statistics_control: rx: 5.35 kiB/s (real: 1.07 kiB/s), tx: 15.70 kiB/s (real: 9.42 kiB/s) 
2024-02-02T10:31:14.411232Z  INFO nym_client_core::client::packet_statistics_control: rx: 7.45 kiB/s (real: 0.00 B/s), tx: 14.06 kiB/s (real: 1.56 kiB/s)   
2024-02-02T10:31:16.402500Z  INFO nym_client_core::client::packet_statistics_control: rx: 7.53 kiB/s (real: 0.00 B/s), tx: 15.79 kiB/s (real: 4.74 kiB/s)   
2024-02-02T10:31:18.403066Z  INFO nym_client_core::client::packet_statistics_control: rx: 11.76 kiB/s (real: 0.00 B/s), tx: 18.85 kiB/s (real: 3.14 kiB/s)  
2024-02-02T10:31:20.402946Z  INFO nym_client_core::client::packet_statistics_control: rx: 8.56 kiB/s (real: 0.00 B/s), tx: 23.57 kiB/s (real: 3.14 kiB/s)   
2024-02-02T10:31:22.403105Z  INFO nym_client_core::client::packet_statistics_control: rx: 12.84 kiB/s (real: 1.07 kiB/s), tx: 14.14 kiB/s (real: 3.14 kiB/s)
2024-02-02T10:31:24.403325Z  INFO nym_client_core::client::packet_statistics_control: rx: 8.56 kiB/s (real: 3.21 kiB/s), tx: 6.29 kiB/s (real: 1.57 kiB/s)  
2024-02-02T10:31:26.402594Z  INFO nym_client_core::client::packet_statistics_control: rx: 5.35 kiB/s (real: 0.00 B/s), tx: 12.58 kiB/s (real: 3.14 kiB/s)   
2024-02-02T10:31:28.402734Z  INFO nym_client_core::client::packet_statistics_control: rx: 13.90 kiB/s (real: 2.14 kiB/s), tx: 14.13 kiB/s (real: 3.14 kiB/s)
2024-02-02T10:31:30.403452Z  INFO nym_client_core::client::packet_statistics_control: rx: 6.42 kiB/s (real: 0.00 B/s), tx: 12.56 kiB/s (real: 1.57 kiB/s)   
2024-02-02T10:31:32.402459Z  INFO nym_client_core::client::packet_statistics_control: rx: 9.63 kiB/s (real: 0.00 B/s), tx: 17.29 kiB/s (real: 1.57 kiB/s)   
2024-02-02T10:31:34.403003Z  INFO nym_client_core::client::packet_statistics_control: rx: 8.55 kiB/s (real: 0.00 B/s), tx: 12.56 kiB/s (real: 1.57 kiB/s)   
2024-02-02T10:31:36.403138Z  INFO nym_client_core::client::packet_statistics_control: rx: 12.84 kiB/s (real: 0.00 B/s), tx: 20.43 kiB/s (real: 1.57 kiB/s)  
2024-02-02T10:31:38.403354Z  INFO nym_client_core::client::packet_statistics_control: rx: 7.49 kiB/s (real: 0.00 B/s), tx: 14.14 kiB/s (real: 4.71 kiB/s)   
2024-02-02T10:31:40.403299Z  INFO nym_client_core::client::packet_statistics_control: rx: 3.21 kiB/s (real: 0.00 B/s), tx: 7.85 kiB/s (real: 3.14 kiB/s)
2024-02-02T10:31:42.418029Z  INFO nym_client_core::client::packet_statistics_control: rx: 2.14 kiB/s (real: 0.00 B/s), tx: 22.00 kiB/s (real: 1.57 kiB/s)   
2024-02-02T10:31:44.402534Z  INFO nym_client_core::client::packet_statistics_control: rx: 19.46 kiB/s (real: 1.08 kiB/s), tx: 15.87 kiB/s (real: 3.17 kiB/s)
2024-02-02T10:31:46.402951Z  INFO nym_client_core::client::packet_statistics_control: rx: 3.21 kiB/s (real: 0.00 B/s), tx: 4.71 kiB/s (real: 1.57 kiB/s)
2024-02-02T10:31:48.402752Z  INFO nym_client_core::client::packet_statistics_control: rx: 11.76 kiB/s (real: 0.00 B/s), tx: 20.42 kiB/s (real: 1.57 kiB/s)  
2024-02-02T10:31:50.403059Z  INFO nym_client_core::client::packet_statistics_control: rx: 10.69 kiB/s (real: 0.00 B/s), tx: 12.57 kiB/s (real: 1.57 kiB/s)  
2024-02-02T10:31:52.403167Z  INFO nym_client_core::client::packet_statistics_control: rx: 13.93 kiB/s (real: 4.29 kiB/s), tx: 25.17 kiB/s (real: 7.87 kiB/s)
2024-02-02T10:31:54.403069Z  INFO nym_client_core::client::packet_statistics_control: rx: 14.98 kiB/s (real: 8.56 kiB/s), tx: 29.85 kiB/s (real: 22.00 kiB/s)
2024-02-02T10:31:56.402945Z  INFO nym_client_core::client::packet_statistics_control: rx: 12.87 kiB/s (real: 5.36 kiB/s), tx: 28.35 kiB/s (real: 12.60 kiB/s)
2024-02-02T10:31:58.434116Z  INFO nym_client_core::client::packet_statistics_control: rx: 12.59 kiB/s (real: 2.10 kiB/s), tx: 20.03 kiB/s (real: 9.24 kiB/s)
2024-02-02T10:32:00.402535Z  INFO nym_client_core::client::packet_statistics_control: rx: 19.26 kiB/s (real: 14.98 kiB/s), tx: 33.00 kiB/s (real: 22.00 kiB/s)
2024-02-02T10:32:02.403037Z  INFO nym_client_core::client::packet_statistics_control: rx: 14.97 kiB/s (real: 5.35 kiB/s), tx: 23.56 kiB/s (real: 10.99 kiB/s)
2024-02-02T10:32:04.402857Z  INFO nym_client_core::client::packet_statistics_control: rx: 13.91 kiB/s (real: 2.14 kiB/s), tx: 17.28 kiB/s (real: 6.28 kiB/s)
2024-02-02T10:32:05.972339Z DEBUG disconnect: nym_vpn_desktop::commands::connection: disconnect
2024-02-02T10:32:05.972392Z TRACE disconnect: nym_vpn_desktop::commands::connection: update connection state [Disconnecting]
2024-02-02T10:32:05.972407Z DEBUG disconnect: nym_vpn_desktop::commands::connection: sending event [connection-state]: Disconnecting
2024-02-02T10:32:05.972470Z DEBUG disconnect: nym_vpn_desktop::commands::connection: sending Stop message to VPN client
2024-02-02T10:32:05.972497Z DEBUG disconnect: nym_vpn_desktop::commands::connection: Stop message sent
2024-02-02T10:32:05.972571Z DEBUG nym_vpn_lib::util: Received message: Some(Stop)
2024-02-02T10:32:05.972593Z  INFO nym_vpn_lib::util: Received stop message
2024-02-02T10:32:05.972601Z  INFO nym_vpn_lib::util: Sending shutdown signal
2024-02-02T10:32:05.972637Z  INFO nym_vpn_lib::util: Waiting for tasks to finish... (Press ctrl-c to force)
2024-02-02T10:32:05.972880Z  INFO nym_client_core::client::replies::reply_storage: PersistentReplyStorage is flushing all reply-related data to underlying storage
2024-02-02T10:32:05.972899Z  INFO nym_client_core::client::replies::reply_storage: you MUST NOT forcefully shutdown now or you risk data corruption!
2024-02-02T10:32:05.972909Z  INFO nym_client_core::client::replies::reply_storage: Data flush is complete
2024-02-02T10:32:06.122638Z DEBUG nym_vpn_lib::mixnet_processor: MixnetProcessor: Exiting
2024-02-02T10:32:06.403528Z  INFO nym_client_core::client::packet_statistics_control: rx: 13.90 kiB/s (real: 6.42 kiB/s), tx: 25.13 kiB/s (real: 18.84 kiB/s)
2024-02-02T10:32:07.439199Z  INFO nym_vpn_lib::util: Stopping mixnet client
2024-02-02T10:32:07.439680Z  INFO nym_vpn_desktop::vpn_client: vpn status listener has exited
2024-02-02T10:32:07.439691Z DEBUG nym_vpn_lib::util: Received interrupt signal

closing this as it no longer seems to be an issue