nymea / nymea-app

A nymea frontend app

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swipe instead of „back“ button

simonseres opened this issue · comments

Usability enhancement for navigation: Instead of pressing the „back“ button in the top left, I‘d find it more convenient to swipe the screen to the right to jump back.

I admit, the back button in nymea app on my phone is generally quite hard to hit. Small hit area. Some additional option would be good.

I actually have implemented this about a year ago, but for some reason I never managed to finish it: https://github.com/nymea/nymea-app/tree/ios-swipe-gesture

Ok. just updated the old branch to latest master and remembered why...
The issue is that the standard Qt PageStack can't do this and more importantly, the default animation of the PageStack does not work with this as it uses a fading animation
While I've been able to implement the functionality and attach that to the page stack, it would require to manually define the animation to be a solid sliding (at least in the beginning, could add some fading later). After playing with it for a while, I couldn't find something I was happy with.

anyhow, if someone wants to give it a try, the code in that branch still works.