nxxm / gh

Intuitive C++ Github API implementation

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Collaborating on implementing a Github C++ API

daminetreg opened this issue Β· comments

Dear @tony84727, @durdyev and @TanninOne,

I've created last year my own Github API implementation as I couldn't find yours otherwise I would have contributed back to your implementations.

Today I thought : "well if I cannot find my lib on google after 1 year, then it must be that there are existing libs and that they cannot be found as well !"

Mine (used in nxxm & asciidochub) :

So I searched with the github search and could find yours :

Now we are in a situation where we have like 4 incomplete api implementation.

Would you be interested in collaborating and trying to implement the github api fully ?

We could, following how much we want to put effort into, also go for the graphql implementation, there are no graphql client for the moment in C++ so perhaps this might be something we would like to do ?

I just start the discussion to see if we can find any synergy between us. Would you be interested to collaborate ? πŸ˜€

Best regards !

Hi daminetreg and thank you for reaching out!
My library was written for a very specific use case and is such quite limited and Qt-centric.

Unfortunately I'm no longer working on that project and currently barely work with c++ at all. My project has been adopted by others though, maybe you can get them on board: https://github.com/ModOrganizer2/githubpp

Thanks for relating to the users, you were using the releases api to install updates ?

@Silarn and @isanae are you interested in building a common github API implementation, or tools around the github API ?

You seem to be developing a general purpose library to access the Gihub API. Our library really isn't a library at all, it's a simple way to get the list of releases that is then processed within Mod Organizer to check for updates.

I don't foresee any need for MO to have a more comprehensive system to access Github, so I doubt that we would participate in this project as part of MO's development.

As for myself personally, I appreciate the offer, but what little free time I have is currently spent on MO.

I actually do something similar to auto-upgrade apps if there is a newer release in github releases and replace the app binary with the new one ans relaunch it https://github.com/nxxm/upgrd .

Thanks for considering and taking the time to reply ! πŸ™‚πŸ€—

Happy hacking !

Hi, @daminetreg thanks for reaching out. I'm appreciated. My use case for the API no longer exists, so I archived that project. I do have free time and willing to contribute, but sometimes I just spend those time on playing games πŸ˜„ . So I can't make the promise to contribute regularly.

Hi, @daminetreg thanks for reaching out. I'm appreciated. My use case for the API no longer exists, so I archived that project. I do have free time and willing to contribute, but sometimes I just spend those time on playing games πŸ˜„ . So I can't make the promise to contribute regularly.

You are very welcome @tony84727 ! πŸ˜„ Great. if you are motivated by doing any github related tool just contact me then or take some issue up here I'll help. I'll start the graphql stuffs I think ASAP, so don't hesitate to pick in it when you want to have fun coding !

Btw which games do you play ?

Thank you. So the plan is to implement a generic graphql that support schemas, then use the client to implement Github client?

(I play mostly Minecraft and Heroes of Storm)