nxhack / openwrt-node-packages

OpenWrt Project Node.js packages. v18.x TLS and v20.x LTS

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the nodejs build is not using multiple cores

p3x-robot opened this issue · comments

how can we enable for the nodejs build using multiple cores? with 1 core it uses 1.5 hours, with 16 cores it is much faster (about 10 mins).

i mean when we make all, not invidual package builts.


I don't have that kind of rich ;) infrastructure, so I'm hoping you can figure it out on your own.
I hope you will be able to solve it by yourselve.

Perhaps it's a problem with each npm package, since it's about parallelization at npm runtime. npm-run-all will not work here.

it is about node build. nodejs can build using multiple jobs at once.
build npm package is fast, but nodejs when building with make all it selects 1 jobs for nodejs and it takes 1.5 hours. when you just build nodejs as an invidual package and let say 16 jobs, it takes 10 minutes instead of 1.5 hours...

but there is no info about multiple jobs within 1 package when using make all on all packages at once...


I don't have that kind of rich ;) infrastructure, so I'm hoping you can figure it out on your own. I hope you will be able to solve it by yourselve.

Perhaps it's a problem with each npm package, since it's about parallelization at npm runtime. npm-run-all will not work here.

there is no richness here. this is 30 years of hard work and getting a 128gb ram and 5950x machine from my wife... and the build speed is insane.