nvimdev / oceanic-material

Oceanic Material Colorscheme on Vim/NeoVim

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Coc warning underline color disappear

ngocthienvnn opened this issue · comments

Thank for creating such an awesome colorscheme, i'm using it for my web development everyday,
just one issue, when using ocean background, the Coc warning underline disappear, could you update the colorscheme or give me any suggestion on how to fix it ?

I had add underline for coc warn and error highlight. Please update then enable underline .

just update your repo, but i could not see any change? do i miss something ? i tried to change to other colorscheme, and could see the underline, but still not see in this awesome colorscheme.

let g:oceanic_material_allow_underline = 1

Thank so much, it works for Error message now, how about it:
Here is message from Coc: Symbol '$sku' is declare but no used. it still not have the underline

Please update and give it test.

Still not see the underline for your latest update

what dose this command output hi CocInfoHighlight

Here it is

update again.

It's work now, just one more issue(see my screenshot), the preview window should respect the current background color, not sure that issue come from the colorscheme or Coc.

It's NormalFloat. Does is it will looks like easy to see doc if the float background color same as background color? Try this and give me a look.
hi NormalFloat guibg=#1b2b34

Awesome, it works.