nvimdev / galaxyline.nvim

neovim statusline plugin written in lua

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[Bug]: Can't lazy load Galaxyline (when VimEnter)

pocco81 opened this issue · comments


Hello! I'm trying to lazy load Galaxyline but loading it at VimEnter, but it's not working. I asked other people about it and they are experiencing the same issue. Any other event works fine what the VimEnter event, which is the one I want, doesn't work.

I'm using Packer.nvim to achieve this and any other plugin that I've set to load at VimEnter works well, so I assume it's a Galaxyline issue.

What happens when I lazy load it with this event is that the line simply doesn't appear. This is what I use to lazy load it:

        use {
			opt = true,
			event = "VimEnter",
			config = function ()

Entering nvim:


As you can see, the word "ran" appeared in the command line, which means that it should have required what's after the print (Galaxyline).

If it matters, here is my Galaxyline config.