nvimdev / galaxyline.nvim

neovim statusline plugin written in lua

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

open file, neovim response slowly in big git repository

finviman opened this issue · comments

neovim0.5 release, macos 10.15
not so big repository,1385 files.
when i git merge, there are some conflicts, when i open any files, either conflict files or merged files, vim response is very slow, every action is very slow, include cursor move in normal mode, hijk etc...
i use evilline.lua or spaceline.lua galaxyline example.
when i disable galaxyline, it's ok.

i have tried a little repository, about 600 files, it's not as slow as the big one, but it's slow too

open a file that big enough, for example, 8.6MB txt, the same problem. neovim action is very slow.

+1, i have these issues as well, both when fixing conflicts and editing commit messages

In my (custom) configuration the problem comes from the "GitBranch" provider, if I disable just that part the slowness dissapears.