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Can't generate my own footer with require("lazy").stats()

cactusnix opened this issue · comments

When I call require("lazy").stats() to get startup time, but it always show 0.
I think it might be due to startup time is generated till UIEnter.
So I don't know how to make my own footer that shows startup time of lazy.nvim.
Here is my code:

config = function(_, opts)
  local stats = require("lazy").stats()
  local footer = {
    "󰔚 "
    .. stats.startuptime
    .. " / 󰏋 "
    .. stats.loaded
    .. " / 󱑥 "
    .. stats.count,
    vim.tbl_deep_extend("force", opts, { config = { footer = footer } })

which theme the latest commit integeration lazy.

which theme the latest commit integeration lazy.

doom theme