nvim-tree / nvim-tree.lua

A file explorer tree for neovim written in lua

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Bad contrast for NvimTreeWindowPicker & NvimTreeBookmarkHL on default colorscheme

nmattia opened this issue · comments


I've recently updated nvim-tree and I can't see the window pickers anymore! The contrast on the default nvim colorscheme is quite bad. Here's the output from NvimTreeHiTest (NvimTreeBookmarkHL is pretty bad too):

Screenshot 2024-03-13 at 16 54 56

Do I have my colors set up wrong?

Neovim version

$ nvim --version
NVIM v0.9.5
Build type: Release
LuaJIT 2.1.1693350652

Operating system and version

macOS 14.4

nvim-tree version


Steps to reproduce

:colorscheme default

I was afraid of this. #2415 applied normal vim highlight groups links for all but NvimTreeWindowPicker and NvimTreeFolderIcon. There were no close groups and the hardcoded highlights were left unchanged.

Are you running notermguicolors and a 256 color term? I get similar results when I do that.

Nothing we can do about NvimTreeBookmarkHL as that's the vim builtin SpellLocal. Most color schemes deal with that one.

NvimTreeFolderIcon looks OK on most backgrounds as it's a blue.

That leaves NvimTreeWindowPicker "guifg=#ededed guibg=#4493c8 gui=bold ctermfg=White ctermbg=Cyan"...

Can you please experiment with NvimTreeWindowPicker to find cterm values that work for you?

Yep I’ll give it a try! What’s the best way to try this out and what constraints do you have on the colors? For instance, should other palettes not be reused?

Are you running notermguicolors and a 256 color term? I get similar results when I do that.

Ok, I was indeed running notermguicolors. With termguicolors it looks much nicer! I can definitely work with that.

One note though, now it's the NvimTreeNormalFloat that's a bit hard to read, though not as bad as the window picker with notermguicolors:

Screenshot 2024-03-14 at 10 50 19

Ok, I was indeed running notermguicolors. With termguicolors it looks much nicer! I can definitely work with that.

You shouldn't have to use termguicolors, things should look good on 8,16,256,truecolor terminals with and without it, as it's not always available.

One note though, now it's the NvimTreeNormalFloat that's a bit hard to read, though not as bad as the window picker with notermguicolors:

That is indeed annoying, the standard NormalFloat is a bad colour. Unfortunately some colour schemes and users rely on changing NormalFloat instead of NvimTreeNormalFloat so we can't do anything about that without breaking.

Very cool, thank you!

For the record, before:

Screenshot 2024-03-13 at 16 54 56


Screenshot 2024-03-15 at 11 25 49

NvimTreeWindowPicker is much, much more readable! Though now that I've learned about termguicolors I think I'll stick to that, it's much softer on the eyes. Still, fix & feedback much appreciated!