nvim-tree / nvim-tree.lua

A file explorer tree for neovim written in lua

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Problem displaying folder/directories icons

AmaelMSC opened this issue · comments


When I open the Nvim Tree, thats the view I have :

(As we can see, the folder icons are not displaying correctly)
But funny enough, when I open the terminal introduction (using :h nvim-tree-introduction)
It displays correctly.
If anybody has any thoughts about it, well let me know
Thanks in advance

Neovim version

NVIM v0.9.4

Operating system and version

Debian 11

Windows variant

No response

nvim-tree version


Clean room replication

A setup with CousineNerdFont (https://github.com/ryanoasis/nerd-fonts/releases/download/v3.1.1/Cousine.zip) installed
- Need nvim-tree
- Need nvim-web-devicons

Steps to reproduce

Just run nvim then access to the tree

Expected behavior

Should have displayed the folder icons

Actual behavior

Didnt quite display them

Your font most likely lacks glyphs we use by default. You will either have to patch your font, use different font or configure nvim-tree to use glyphs your font has.

Thanks a lot for the fast answer !
Could you remind me how you do tell nvim-tree to use specific glyphs ? I tried to look for it in nvim-web-devicons but couldnt find where i could configure folder glyphs.
(Btw I tried to use another font but the problem remained the same)

Configuration path to folder glyph is: renderer.icons.glyphs.folder. It's a table, you can see it if you search documentation for arrow_closed.

Thanks a lot again,
After a few research I found out a really odd thing :
When all special characters are in quotes (either simple or double) this is the view I get :
But when they are out of quotes, thats what I get :

Strange enough too, it displays normally in my terminal :

Is it normal ? Should i try to look out in other places ? Thanks a lot again for all you've done for me

This is quite bizarre indeed. Points to your terminal emulator, which one are you using? Can you try some other one?

Could you try a different font? I'm using hack:

: ; fc-match mono
HackNerdFontMono-Regular.ttf: "Hack Nerd Font Mono" "Regular"

Hey y'all sorry for not answering for a long long time I had my final exams !
I made it !!!! Just managed to go to the parameters of the gruvbox plugin, then changed the parameter "bold" of NvimTreeFolderIcon to false and it worked!!

Thank you for all your time and efforts and sorry again!