nvim-tree / nvim-tree.lua

A file explorer tree for neovim written in lua

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Open a file and keep tree open, but another hotkey for open file and close the tree afterwards

alex-courtis opened this issue · comments

Discussed in #1980

Originally posted by mangelozzi February 9, 2023
I found there is an option: nvim-tree.actions.open_file.quit_on_open, but the problem with this it always closes the tree afterwards.
I wish to have o perform as default (keep the tree open after opening the file), but have <CR> open the buffer and close the tree.

Currently these seems to be the only options (tried them all):

`<CR>`            edit                open a file or folder; root will cd to the above directory
`<C-e>`           edit_in_place       edit the file in place, effectively replacing the tree explorer
`O`               edit_no_picker      same as (edit) with no window picker

edit_in_place is similar but then I have 2 windows after opening the file, and have to go to the other window and close it.

Looking for something like this:

    view = {
        mappings = {
            list = {
                { key = "<CR>", action = "quit_on_open" },

This is not currently possible. It could be done via API via a default nil option:

            key = "o",
            action = "edit_no_close",
            action_cb = function(node)
              api.node.open.edit(node, {
                close_tree = false,

Thanks for this, I think it would help others.
For me I used your suggestion (but reversed the logic so its closer to defaults), the only thing is I found close_tree=true did not work for me, I have to call api.tree.close()

-- Use `o` to open a file
-- Use `<CR>` to open a file and close the tree

local api = require("nvim-tree.api")

local function edit_and_close(node)
    api.node.open.edit(node, { close_tree = true, })

--  { key = "<CR>", action = "edit_and_close", action_cb=edit_and_close },

For me I used your suggestion (but reversed the logic so its closer to defaults), the only thing is I found close_tree=true did not work for me, I have to call api.tree.close()

Yes. That has not actually been built. This is a feature request with a suggested action.

I'm glad you found something that works in the meantime.

The closest thing I can find to achieve this behavior (without having to make api calls as suggested above) is via the "preview" feature mentioned in the documentation under the "default mappings" section; that is, if we press the Tab key on a file, a buffer will open up, but nvim-tree will continue to receive focus even after the buffer is open.

The only problem I have with this is that it's just a "preview" and not an actual opening of files. Meaning, the previously opened buffers via the Tab key will simply disappear if I use the Tab key to "open" another file.

Here is a simple scenario (with screenshots) to illustrate this behavior.

  1. Suppose I have two files foo1.txt and foo2.txt inside my current working directory. Neovim is running, but no buffers are opened just yet.

  2. Now, let's say I navigate the cursor to foo1.txt and hit Tab. foo1.txt opens in a new buffer as expected.

  3. Now, navigate the cursor to foo2.txt instead and hit Tab.

What happens is that although foo2.txt opens as expected, but foo1.txt will not remain open.

It would be nice to have the option to keep nvim-tree in focus every time we use the Enter key to open a file. This feature will be particularly helpful to those of us whose main workflow with nvim-tree comprises of these steps:
1. Toggle nvim-tree with a keybinding
2. Browse through the directory structure with nvim-tree
3. Hit Enter to open desired file.
4. Continue navigating through nvim-tree to look for another file to open. (This, of course, assumes that quit_on_open is set to false)
5. Close nvim-tree with a keybinding after all the desired files are launched.

The only problem I have with this is that it's just a "preview" and not an actual opening of files. Meaning, the previously opened buffers via the Tab key will simply disappear if I use the Tab key to "open" another file.

Yes. Preview buffers are not particularly useful in this case, and not a solution.

It would be nice to have the option to keep nvim-tree in focus every time we use the Enter key to open a file.

This would be useful. Some IDEs have such a feature.

This would be useful. Some IDEs have such a feature.

Indeed. Hopefully it will be implemented in the future.

Indeed. Hopefully it will be implemented in the future.

Pull requests are gratefully appreciated.