nvim-tree / nvim-tree.lua

A file explorer tree for neovim written in lua

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`full_rename` to create dirs as required

mangelozzi opened this issue · comments

NerdTree move command is very user friendly for moving files around. The closest I have found in NerdTree is full_rename, however say you try to move file to a dir , and that dir does not exist yet, it just gives an error.

Describe the solution you'd like
Maybe a move command that creates parents dirs as required, or that functionality to be added to full_name. Something like mkdir -p

Describe alternatives you've considered

`r`               rename              rename a file
`<C-r>`           full_rename         rename a file and omit the filename on input
`e`               rename_basename     rename a file with filename-modifiers ':t:r' without changing extension

Create has this functionality, rename should have feature parity.

full_rename is gone, however we can cover this use case in the above.