nvim-telescope / telescope-live-grep-args.nvim

Live grep with args

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Telescope live grep args

REUSE status

Live grep args picker for telescope.nvim.

What it does

It enables passing arguments to the grep command, rg examples:

  • foo → press <C-k>"foo" "foo" -tmd
    • Only works if you set up the <C-k> mapping
  • --no-ignore foo
  • "foo bar" bazdir
  • "foo" --iglob **/bar/**

Find the full ripgrep guide here to find out what is possible.



Lazy Add `telescope-live-grep-args.nvim` as `telescope.nvim` dependency, e.g.:
use {
  dependencies = {
        "nvim-telescope/telescope-live-grep-args.nvim" ,
        -- This will not install any breaking changes.
        -- For major updates, this must be adjusted manually.
        version = "^1.0.0",
  config = function()
Packer Add `telescope-live-grep-args.nvim` as `telescope.nvim` dependency, e.g.:
use {
  requires = {
    { "nvim-telescope/telescope-live-grep-args.nvim" },
  config = function()
Other Once live grep args is available as lua module, load the extension:


Map live grep args:

keymap.set("n", "<leader>fg", ":lua require('telescope').extensions.live_grep_args.live_grep_args()<CR>")

Call live grep args:

:lua require("telescope").extensions.live_grep_args.live_grep_args()



Name Description
search_dirs Directory/directories/files to search. Paths are expanded and appended to the grep command.

Grep argument examples

(Some examples are ripgrep specific)

Prompt Args Description
foo bar foo bar search for „foo bar“
"foo bar" baz foo bar, baz search for „foo bar“ in dir „baz“
--no-ignore "foo bar --no-ignore, foo bar search for „foo bar“ ignoring ignores
"foo" --iglob **/test/** search for „foo“ in any „test“ path
"foo" ../other-project foo, ../other-project search for „foo“ in ../other-project

If the prompt value does not begin with ', " or - the entire prompt is treated as a single argument. This behaviour can be turned off by setting the auto_quoting option to false.


local telescope = require("telescope")
local lga_actions = require("telescope-live-grep-args.actions")

telescope.setup {
  extensions = {
    live_grep_args = {
      auto_quoting = true, -- enable/disable auto-quoting
      -- define mappings, e.g.
      mappings = { -- extend mappings
        i = {
          ["<C-k>"] = lga_actions.quote_prompt(),
          ["<C-i>"] = lga_actions.quote_prompt({ postfix = " --iglob " }),
      -- ... also accepts theme settings, for example:
      -- theme = "dropdown", -- use dropdown theme
      -- theme = { }, -- use own theme spec
      -- layout_config = { mirror=true }, -- mirror preview pane

This extension accepts the same options as builtin.live_grep, check out :help live_grep and :help vimgrep_arguments for more information. Additionally it also accepts theme and layout_config.

Mapping recipes:

This table provides some mapping ideas:

Mapped function Description Example
actions.quote_prompt() Quote prompt foo"foo"
actions.quote_prompt({ postfix = ' --iglob ' }) Quote prompt and add --iglob foo"foo" --iglob
actions.quote_prompt({ postfix = ' -t' }) Quote prompt and add -t foo"foo" -t

Shortcut functions

Live grep args ships some additional shortcuts you can map.

This is an example to live grep for the word under the cursor:

local live_grep_args_shortcuts = require("telescope-live-grep-args.shortcuts")
keymap.set("n", "<leader>gc", live_grep_args_shortcuts.grep_word_under_cursor)

Available shortcuts:

Name Action Options
grep_word_under_cursor Start live grep with word under cursor
  • postfix: postfix value to add; defaults to -F (Treat the pattern as a literal string)
  • quote: Whether to quote the value; defaults to true
  • trim: Whether to trim the value; defaults to true
grep_visual_selection Start live grep with visual selection see grep_word_under_cursor


Running the tests


Based on the idea of this pull request.


Live grep with args


Language:Lua 95.0%Language:Makefile 2.6%Language:Vim Script 2.4%