nvim-telescope / telescope-media-files.nvim

Telescope extension to preview media files using Ueberzug.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Error when launching `Telescope media_files`

brymer-meneses opened this issue · comments

Screenshot from 2021-05-07 10-27-47
I get the following error when I execute Telescope media_files

are you install ueberzeg.
check readme and install depend tool

Hello @windwp, I have installed ueberzeg. In fact I can preview images just fine using ranger.

I fixed this by making sure that require('telescope').load_extension('media_files') is written below require('telescope').setup{...}

I previously had

require('telescope').setup {
    extensions = {
        media_files = {
            filetypes = {"png", "jpg", "pdf", "jpeg"},
            find_cmd = "rg"

Now I have

require('telescope').setup {
    extensions = {
        media_files = {
            filetypes = {"png", "jpg", "pdf", "jpeg"},
            find_cmd = "rg"