nvim-telescope / telescope-github.nvim

Integration with github cli

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Can't use option params in gist

deryrahman opened this issue · comments

Just a quick question. I tried to call telescope gist with option filter public but it's not working, it didn't show any gists. Here's the command I used.

:lua require('telescope').extensions.gh.gist({public=true})

Without options, it's completely working. But when I add public=true as options, it's not working. Am I missed something?

No, this is a bug.

Running command:

:lua require('telescope').extensions.gh.gist({public=true})

Results in following cmd table:

{ "gh", "gist", "list", "--public", " " }

For some reason, with last empty " " argument this command is not handled properly via underlying function utils.get_os_command_output